Chapter 6 | Next morning

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Waking up the next morning I'm freezing cold which isn't right because didn't I turn the heat on for mama just two days ago?

Reaching blindly for the comforter I instead feel hard muscle. Eyes popping open I snatched my hand back and turn over, seeing the cover stealer I smack him awake.

"What?" He says sitting up quickly looking for danger.

"It's cold, gimme covers." I say almost back to sleep.

Hearing a deep chuckle that sends shivers through my body I'm yanked into a warm hard chest and covers are back on my body. Snuggling deeper into Killian he kisses my shoulder. I'm almost asleep when a thought pops into my head. "I was supposed to go back home" I voice aloud.

"You fell asleep halfway through the movie, I'm glad because you would have cried at the end anyway. Don't worry I called your mother and she was fine with you staying over." Killian tells me voice thick and rough with sleep.

"Mmmm" I respond.

Waking up sometime later I'm happy see that I'm still wrapped up but sad to see that Killian isn't still in the bed with me. Looking at the clock beside the bed I see it's about 9:30. Deciding I should get up I make the bed and walk into the bathroom. I don't remember this bathroom and assume Killian must have renovated after his parents died.

Freshening up I attempt to brush my hair through but it's no use, I slept better than I have in forever and my hair shows it.

Making my way to the kitchen I smell biscuits and if it's the biscuits I'm thinking of they are going to be delicious. See no Killian I check the oven to see a plate of food waiting for me. Grabbing it i sit at the table and happily dig in. Yep a honey butter biscuit. Killian must know how to cook all of Anna's secret recipes. Groaning happily as the honey flavor bursts in my mouth I bounce while eating.

After washing my plate, I go off in search of my man. Slipping on my boots I step out in the fresh morning air. There's a slight chill in the air and I run back inside in search of a hoodie. Giddy I find his closet and am in shock at how big it is, on the left is all of his clothes and the right is empty.

Browsing through all his clothes I find a big Nike hoodie and gladly take it pulling it on it smells like Killian.

Back outside I walk around the house to the barn, looking inside I don't see him and frown.

Hearing a neigh from outside I walk out the back and gasp at the sight before me. "You just gonna stand there or you gonna come say hello to Copper?"

Running over I shimmy under the fence and stop short in front of Copper, Killian kept him all these years. Copper was a birthday gift Killian had given me, he was a colt back then but has grown into a fine looking horse.

Copper approaches me with ears pinned back unsure of me at first then he comes at me full force. Giggling I scratch behind his ears and hug him. "You've grown into a beautiful boy Copper."

Looking over to Killian I know I have a smile from ear to ear. "You kept him, thank you."

Shaking his head he walks over and side hugs me, kissing the top of my head. " Quit thanking me, you never have to thank me for anything Ellie."

Grinning I stand on my tip toes and pull his head down kissing him soundly on the lips as his arms pull me closer. Finding it hard to pull away I speak in between kisses. "Is" kiss "he" kiss "saddle" kiss "broken" kiss.

Guffawing at my excitement "Yes baby, he is"

Looking into Killian's eyes I have a desire to say those words, those three little words that hold so much meaning. Keeping myself in check I swallow the words back down.

"Is it okay if I leave and come back to ride him later?" I ask excitedly.

"You can come back anytime Ellie, in fact you don't even have to ask. I actually want to ask you something later." Nodding my head I kiss Killian again softly once more before leaving.

Walking back to the house I have a permanent smile on my face, grabbing my keys off the kitchen table I head back home.

Walking inside, I'm greeted by a man who looks to be leaving. "Hello?" I question nervously.

"Ellie! Alexis told me you were coming home. She's so happy you're home." Oh, this must be Oliver?

"Oliver? I'm sorry I didnt recognize you." Wait why is Oliver here.

Clutching his arm " Is mama okay??" I question quickly, very worried.

"Oh she's fine, I was here for uh...other purposes actually." He blushes.

Dropped his arm I start giggling. "I see."

" Well I must go, see you around Ellie and it's nice to have you back home" he rushes out.

Laughing my way up the stairs I knock on Alex's door entering without waiting for a "come in"

In the bed is Alexis, looking as if she's just woken up after a good toss in the hay. I'm full on laughing now. "Ellie!" She screeches while scrambling for the sheets.

After getting covered up she sends a death stare my way. "Why are you laughing! You got some too last night!" She whines in annoyance.

"I did not! I fell asleep watching a movie!" I defend.

"Really? That's boring." She giggles.

Throwing a pillow at her "It's innocent!" I say while grinning.

"How is mama?"

"She's fine, probably out by the pond knitting." Frowning I walk to the window and sure enough she's sitting on the swing with Banner at her feet.

"Alright I call shower first!" I take off running and lock the bathroom door.

"No fair Ellie! You'll use all the hot water!!"

"Should have been faster Alex!"

While in the shower I contemplate on asking mama about Roman. She's gotta know something about him, where he's at, has he been back since he left?

Shower completed I grab another pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt since it's a bit warm for a sweater. Pulling on my boots I walk to the pond appreciating the view as the colored maple trees are reflecting over the pond making a beautiful scene.

"Ellie you're back so soon?" Mama asks smiling my way.

" I came home to check on you" sitting down beside her I grab one of her hands frowning when I notice hers are cold. Warming them in mine I tell her about my night and morning. She's ecstatic to hear about Copper. I got my love for animals from her.

"Mama have you heard from Roman?" I question

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