Chapter 17

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That's how Killian finds me, I wake up to the front door being shut and I hold my breath as he calls out my name. Throwing the covers back I peek my head out to look at the clock seeing it read Five Thirty, I slept for a long time. "Bedroom" I holler but it comes out sounding weak.

Hearing his boots walk across the floor, he stops in the doorway to our room. "Ellie?" I hear the confusion in his voice and I sigh. Throwing the covers all the way off I sit up pouting at him.

"What's wrong?" I know I must look a mess.

"Roman is back, well he might be gone now." I mutter


"He stormed out after my mother decided it would be a great time to tell him about the cancer literally right after he walked in the door." I cry out, tears fill my eye's again and I blink rapidly trying to keep them at bay again.

"Oh Ellie, He will be back." Killian says

"I hope you're right." tears slip down my face and I grab the covers, pulling them over my head again. I feel like a child right now but I don't care.

Killian sighs and he walks towards the bathroom, I assume he's going to take a shower and I roll over facing the other wall closing my eyes. I just want today to be over with. It started out great then went to shit!

Listening to the shower run relaxes me enough to fall back asleep and I don't wake up until Killian get's into bed and gently pulls me into his arms kissing the top of my head. I notice it's dark and must be past supper, I'm not hungry but Killian must be. "I need to make supper." I say attempting to get up.

"No you don't, Go back to sleep." he whispers while tightening his arms around me. Sighing I instead just turn over now facing him. My eye's adjust to the dark quickly and I look into those grey eyes of his. "I'm sorry that I'm acting like a child." I whisper back.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You don't have to apologize."

Cuddling closer into him I lay my head on his chest, smelling his cologne he must have sprayed on before coming to bed. He smells good, and I listen until I hear his breathing even out drawing me into a deep sleep.

The next morning I'm headed back to my mothers house with Tinker and Killian in tow, in hopes that Roman came back. We arrive and I jump out at seeing the Ford Escape sitting there again, Walking inside with a pep in my step I'm pulling Killian along with a firm grasp on his hand. Opening the front door I don't stop walking until I'm standing in front of Roman. His eyes widen in shock at seeing Killian behind me and after his initial shock subsides he scowled at the sight. Looking over at Riley sitting beside Roman, She seems to sense the tension and keeps a firm grasp on Roman's arm.

"Don't leave again." I glare at him. " You didn't tell anyone you were leaving, you didn't leave a number I could call. You just left." I grit out angrily

His eyes snap back to me and soften a bit but the scowl is almost permanent. "I figured you would understand why I left." he spits out grinding his teeth.

"You don't think I took it hard? I didn't know until two months ago. No one told me until Alexis finally went behind her back and called me." I shout back just as angry.

"She didn't tell you herself?" he questions, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"No, I was in California when I got the call. Maybe Alexis would have called you but you left to drink yourself to death." That may have been a low blow but I couldn't hold it back now that I was on a roll I notice the hurt look in Roman's eyes and feel a twinge of pain in my chest.

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