Chapter 15

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Arriving at my mother's house, I'm happy to see that Alex's car is sitting in the driveway. Unlatching the door to Tinker's pet carrier I scoop her up and shimmy out the truck.

Ascending the staircase, I walk into the house to be greeted by Banner jumping up to see the puppy in my arms. Giggling I let Tinker down and Banner yips at her, she runs off chasing him and I'm glad to see them playing. Walking into the kitchen I see Alexis cuddling Tinkerbelle and cooing at how cute she is.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GETTING A DOG!" she screams in excitement

"I just got her yesterday Alex, Isn't she so cute! Her name is Tinker, short for Tinkerbelle." I gush out completely enamored with this puppy

"Oh Ellie, that name fits her so well!" she says.

I couldn't agree more!

"Where's mom?" I ask

"She should be home soon, Oliver came and fetched her for another Chemo appointment."

"Okay, by the way I hope you don't have dinner plans? Killian will be over later with steaks." I say, really hoping no one has plans.

"No we don't have plans, That'll be great! So how old is little miss Belle?" snorting at her nickname she gave Tinker, I swear I just know this dog will have many names.

"She's 5 months Alex." she hums in response.

Alex and I head outside to sit on the back deck, It's now November and the temperatures have dropped. It's a bit cold around 65 degrees and I zip up my coat trying to keep all the warmth in. Banner has decided he's too old to play around like a pup and he lays at my feet as we watch Alex play around with Tinker like a child.

An hour later Alex and I are back inside discussing both of our relationships, The things she tells me make me blush ten shades of red and I realize how much Killian is deprived. I frown when thinking about it, He doesn't complain about it though, but what if he's unhappy with me? Taking deep breathes I try not to get upset about this situation, perhaps I should ask him about it tonight?

Not long after Oliver is back with mama in tow. I get up from my position on the love seat and greet her at the door, pulling her into a hug. "I missed you! Killian say's hello." I say with a permanent smile on my face, I've missed her a lot.

"I've missed you too Ellie, how are you? And It's a shame Killian isn't here."

"I'm doing great, and He's coming over later with Steaks, we'll do dinner. You look better!" She really does, she's looking healthier a lot healthier than the last time I've seen her.

"Oh who is this?" mama say's as Tinker is sitting looking curiously at her.

"Mom, this is Tinkerbelle." I clue her in.

"Oh she's adorable Ellie, You've always loved Cavaliers." It's true, I really had wanted one growing up.

Looking out the window in the living room as I hear Killian enter the driveway, I smile thinking about how he teased me this morning in the barn. "Well mama, here Killian is now"

I walk outside to his truck to greet him as he's getting out, Killian pulls me into his side kissing the side of my head. "You got Steaks right?"

"Of course you'd ask about that, I don't get a 'hi honey'." he tsks while grinning at me.

"But....did you get the steaks?" I ask giggling.

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