Chapter 14

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I wake up the next morning to Tinkerbelle licking my face, smiling I sit up and stretch. Killian is still sleeping beside me and I gently get out of bed taking Tinker with me. Walking into the kitchen I start the coffee pot and slip out the back door, letting Tinker go potty. I watch as she notices a butterfly and she starts chasing it. I giggle at her antics and call her back inside. I'm thankful she's trained to go outside as that would have been stressful if not.

I let Tinker wander around as I cook breakfast, whipping up pancakes and bacon occasionally drinking my coffee, Chocolate coffee is the best! Making a plate big enough for both me and Killian, I decide we can eat in bed. Tinker has been sitting like a good girl watching me cook. She never begged for any food and eventually went and snacked on her hard food. Walking my way back into the bedroom with Tinker right on my heels, I see Killian is still asleep. Usually he wakes up to the smell of my bacon cooking. Frowning, he must have been more tired than I thought. Placing the tray of food on our dresser I crawl into the bed and sit on my knees watching Killian sleep. He's so peaceful I really don't want to wake him.

"Staring is bad" Killian mutters as I scream in surprise.

Clutching my heart I hit his arm "Don't do that!" I shout at him

He chuckles and arranges me to where I'm sitting on his lap, he's still lying down and I go ten shades of red. Feeling awkward, I wriggle only to be stopped by hands on my hips. "Don't do that." he grits out a warning like he's in pain, causing me to still instantly.

"I made breakfast."

"I know, I woke up earlier and have been relaxing in bed." his voice is rough this morning and it makes me squirm causing Killian to reach up threading a hand through my hair, pulling me down claiming my lips with his. This is new, We never went farther than making out in his truck or on a couch years ago and still haven't....I know it's shocking especially these days, but he respected me enough to wait till I was ready.

I pull away and he lets me, seeming to understand that I wasn't ready yet. It's just another thing I loved about Killian, he didn't push me. Hell, he could even try and guilt me into it if he wanted to even though I know he would never do that to me. He stares into my eyes as if reading my soul and nods his head, I kiss him softly once more before rolling off and grab our breakfast handing it to him while picking up Tinkerbelle letting her on the bed. We eat our breakfast while talking about our plans for today.

"I think I'll go see mama" I announce

Killian nods his head "That'll be good, tell her I said hello." grinning I know she'll like that, I only wish Killian could come with me. My mother loves seeing him and enjoys his company.

"I think I'll go to the feed store and get some stuff." Killian says

"Alright, come over mom's when you're done, She'll want to see you and we can have dinner there." Thinking about dinner I decide steaks would be good and ask him to grab some while he's in town.

I finish my share of food and leave to take a shower while Killian washes the dishes. I can't wait for Alex and mama to see Tinkerbelle, Alex will absolutely adore her.

After getting ready I pick up Tinker and head outside, letting her go out one last chance before we leave. Finding Killian in the barn I smile as I remember the day I came back to confront him. Figuring it's a good time to tease him a grin spread's across my face. "Hey can I still be in here?" I shout at him.

He turns around with a frown that mars his face until he notices my grin, his frown morphs into a grin of his own and he tsks at me. "Hell no, now get your fine ass outta here"

His remark turns me into a mess of giggles and Tinker runs inside the barn yipping at us. Killian walks his way over to us and slings his arm around me "You be careful, call me if you need anything else while I'm in town." He finishes with a kiss that's softly placed upon mine.

Nodding my head" I will be. I love you, see you later."

"See you later, love you too." He finishes.

Scooping up Tinkerbelle, I walk to my truck and am glad to see a small dog carrier already inside. I'll have to thank Killian later for that. Putting Tinker in, she sits inside and watches me as I climb inside and turn the key. My old truck cranks right up and we're on our way.

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