Chapter 19

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It's the weekend and things have been tense the past couple of days between everyone. After we got home I have yet to let Killian touch me again, always shying away from him and I can see how much it hurts him, It's not like I want to. My body does it on it's own, I know my mind is shutting him out and I can't seem to control it. Alexis tried to apologize to me but I shut her out too, Riley has been over to see me and I relate to her somehow. She understands me and I can't help but be thankful to her for listening to me.

Today is the day we are supposed to leave for the mountains and I'm tense, Staying in a small cabin with Killian scares me and I feel like crying just thinking about it. I know deep down that he would never hurt or touch me in a bad way but my mind refuses to listen. Right now I'm reading a book Riley recommended to me called 'Love like you've never been hurt'. It's helping me I'll admit. I've already gotten Tinkerbelle's things together and loaded into the truck, now I'm just waiting for Kilian to get done with work.

Speaking of Killian, I hear the front door open and Tink runs to greet him as he walks inside. I find myself smiling as I hear him talking sweetly to her. He walks around the corner and comes into my view, I actually smile at him for the first time in forever it seems like and he smiles back giving me butterflies. "How was your day?" I ask him, We haven't really been communicating and I certainly not been initiating conversation.

His face lights up even more and I let out a giggle "Dear God, I missed that sound." he mutters and I beam at him. "It was good, How was yours?" he asks in return.

"Mine was fine." and in truth it was. He nods his head. "Let me go shower and we can go, Everyone is already there right?"

"Yeah Riley called this morning around lunch saying they arrived." I answer back and he heads off to shower. Sighing, I put my book away in my bag and walk outside on the deck to let Belle potty before we head off. Seeing Copper out in the pasture I walk out to him and he trots his way over to me, smiling at him I pet him and he leans his head on my shoulder. I've bonded with him over the last few days, Thank God for these gentle giants. Walking over into the barn I grab a few apples we keep inside and make my way back to Copper to see him anxiously waiting with his ears perked up. I laugh at him and he graciously takes the apple out of my hand.

Tinker is off chasing butterflies again and I laugh as she jumps in the air at them, Killian emerges from inside the house and I have to say he looks great, I can just imagine he smells just as good too. I yearn for him to be able to touch me again and I'm gonna test myself starting now. Walking up the stairs to stand in front of him, he arches an eyebrow at me and I reach for his hand, entwining our fingers together and find myself relaxing instead of tensing up like usual. Sighing in relief I look up into his grey eyes and see the love in them, he pulls our hands up to his mouth kissing the back of mine and I smile at him. "I love you." I whisper out to him.

"I love you too Ellie." he whispers back grinning, the happiness in his voice and eyes make me giddy and I can't help but grin back. My phone dings in my back pocket causing me to frown, Reading a text from Riley she says they are leaving for dinner and won't be back until late. "Riley say's they're going to dinner and won't be back up till late." I relay the message to Killian.

"I guess we better start heading that way then." he squeezes my hand lightly. Looking back up I nod in agreement. Calling Tinkerbelle over I pick her up as we head to the truck starting our journey to the mountains.

A long stressful three hour's later we arrived at the group of cabins. Apparently I struggle to read a map and follow directions. Killian and I got into an argument because we missed a lot of roads that we needed to take and almost got lost. Currently I'm pouting in the passenger seat and Killian jumped out of the truck as soon as we got here, Probably needing fresh air to cool down, I don't blame him. I'd be mad too but it's way too cold to be outside up here. Deciding I should get out, I keep Tink in her carrier and go inside the small cabin we have to ourselves for the weekend.

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