Chapter 16

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It's the next morning and I'm lying in bed. Rolling over I stretch like a cat moaning out at how good it feels. I slept great last night when we finally got home, Last night was wonderful, and I no longer feel stressed out about my relationship. I had been to caught up with how everyone else's relationship was that I didn't realize every relationship is different. Killian and I's relationship is very different than others but that's just how it is. I couldn't be more happier with Killian and speaking of the man he's lying on his stomach snoring away peacefully still asleep.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I notice it's just seven a.m. Sadly once I'm awake it's impossible for me to go back to sleep. Shuffling closer to Killian I roll onto his back giggling when he doesn't wake up. Sitting up I start massaging his broad shoulders all the way down to his lower back, occasionally sinking my nails in.

Hearing him groan made my mouth curve into a smile, Doubling my efforts I continue my administrations only to be flipped over and pulled under Killian. Mouth agape at how fast that happened I look into his eyes only to find myself struggling to breathe correctly at seeing how much passion those grey eyes hold.

Killian swoops down to claim my lips with his own, This kiss is rough but soft at the same time, and I mewl in response moving my lips in sync with his trying to keep up. I soon run out of oxygen and Killian's lips leave mine to trail down my neck nipping the skin softly as I try breathe in as much air as possible. "That's not a bad way to wake up" he groans out gruffly and I have to shut my eyes in response. Just the sound of his voice this morning does things to me.

He kisses me softly once more and rolls off my body, I shiver and pull up the sheet as I watch him walk to the bathroom, I may or may not be infatuated with his broad shoulders. Sighing blissfully I decide to get up and let Tinker out of her crate that Killian had bought yesterday.

Opening up the back door I walk out onto the deck as Belle chases a small frog down the steps. A corner of my lips twitch up at seeing that, Looking at the scenery in front of me, it's a little foggy and the sun Is halfway risen through the pine trees. My back grows warm as Killian wraps his arms around me from behind, "I need to start on breakfast." I say absentmindedly still watching Tinker.

"And I need to start on today's work." he says while kissing my head.

"At least eat first, please." He sometimes goes without breakfast and I hate it because around eleven he will come back home hungry.

Hearing him sigh I know he'll say yes because I said please. "Okay, Go cook, ill stay out here with Tink." my ears perk up at the new nickname Tinker has. Killian lets me go and I walk back into the house to whip up a few scrambled eggs, and decide to make strawberry muffins. It'll do until lunch and give him plenty of protein.

About thirty minutes later I have the table set and cold orange juice in a glass waiting, Calling Killian from his spot on the couch he's watching the hunting channel and I roll my eyes when he jumps up like a kid watching tv on Sunday mornings. I pour Tinkerbelle some hard food and she eats while we eat. Hearing my phone ring, I frown while standing up to grab it from our bedroom, looking at the caller ID I see It's Alexis.

"Hello?" I answer, my eyebrows knitted in confusion as to why she would be calling me this early in the morning.

"Ellie...You need to come home like now." she says whispering calmly.

"What? Is mama okay?" I ask quickly, my first thought is something has happened with her and I worry myself into a panic.

"No, no. She's fine. Just please come over." That eases me some, knowing that Vera is okay, but what could possibly be wrong?

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