How Your Family Bonds

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Yusuke, Daisuke, Emiko and you bond over food and movies.

Your family has a monthly 'Movies and Munchies' night where you will all hang out at home together and watch movies while eating junk food. You guys use this time to reconnect if you haven't been around a lot and to talk about everything yet nothing at all. Most of the time though, you guys just eat junk food whilst criticise the acting of the people in the movies by saying things like "His chest moved! He's not dead!" And "They could've chosen a better actress for her role."


You guys bond over board games and puzzles.

Whilst your daughter was still very little she always enjoyed doing puzzles and would drag you guys over to help her. As she got older, she got more into board games like Chess, Cluedo and Monopoly and would always ask you guys to play with her.


You guys bonded over martial arts and sword play.

Your son always had an interest in martial arts and sword play and as he got older he started asking for you guys to teach him. You hesitantly agreed at first, but it turned out he was a fast learner as he quickly progressed and is now very close to being as good a fighter as you and Hiei are.


The four of you bonded over picnics at the local park. 

The four of you would sit and eat lunch together whilst talking about this and that, then Sota would drag Yumi away to play under yours and Kuwabara's supervision. Sometimes the two of you would also get dragged into playtime, but for the most part you just made sure neither one of them got hurt.

A/N: Another chapter for my lovely readers! I feel like this one was a bit crappy but it's something at least. I hope you all Enjoy!

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