The Difference

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     The difference between him and I is simple. He is himself and I am me. He is popular, good looking, and smart. I am a outcast, ugly, and an afterthought.
'Why are you telling us this?' you might be asking, well because these 2 completely different people were once great friends.

     It all goes back to second grade, that's when we first met (because we were in the same class) ever since then, we always have talked and played together. Our families have grown close. So much so that our parents are practically best friends now. 

     We used to always go to each others houses, have family day trips together and so much more, it was great, wouldn't've traded it for the world.

     We were never liked by anyone really, we would get bullied together while we stayed at the back of the class, but we didn't make much of it because we had each other and that's all we needed.

     But that all changed when we were in the second year of high school. After not seeing Jin for a whole summer made the shock worse. Jin had gone through puberty... he literally looked little a young adult. His face was perfect and clear, not a pimple in sight. His hair was in the perfect style, he had grown like 3 inches, and had gotten a lot skinnier.  

    It was amazing!

"Wow Jinnie, you look amazing" I complimented putting my hands in my pockets

"Thanks" Jin thanked fixing his hair "I guess you could call me Mr. Worldwide Handsome"

I let out a little chuckle before answering "Yeah, I won't be doing that"

And then there was me. A tiny, fat, baby faced, full with acne girl who hadn't changed at all over the summer,

"You haven't changed at all" Jin stated eyeing me

"*sighs* I know, it's upsetting" I pouted

"Why? I like it, you look cute"

"*snorts* yeah right"

I had like zero self esteem. I could never take a compliment, I just never believed they were sincere. You'll see that a lot, I bet.

Then something out of the ordinary happened. One of the most popular girls In our whole grade walked up to us, and didn't say a rude comment or do anything to us,

"Wow Jin, you've improved, its nice" She said flirting a little "At lunch, come to our table and show everyone what you look like" She winked then walked away

I had a disgusted expression on my face, "Ugh, what was that?" 

I was extremely confused. Last year her, her boyfriend and her friends would bully us to the max level. Shoving our heads in the toilets, throwing garbage at us, F-ing up our lunches, and ruining our work. They hated us to death, and now Jin just got invited to sit at there table? All because he looked different? For the record, that was my first clue that things were going to go down hill from there,

"I was just about to ask you that" Jin answered in shock "Do I really look that good?"

I shrugged but didn't answer, 

"What's *mimics shrug* mean?" Jin asked

"It means I don't know, but whatever happens, promise you won't get carried away"

"Psh, do I look like the type of person who would do that?"

"Yes, yes you do?"

Jin glared at me.

You should know that he broke that promise not to shortly after that discussion.  


Just in case it wasn't clear or you didn't catch on... the story is in your point of view. (You are Jin's friends) 

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