Your Locker

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 Sorry for the late update... Also, thanks for 200 reads.... That means so much. I guess this is my best story then huh? Anyways, enjoy!

  It was early in the morning, the sun was just beginning to come out.

Jin was half asleep in his bed. Just peacefully relaxing at the quiet and calm environment around him. All of a sudden, he heard a ruffling noise coming from his door. He sat up in his bed and looked at the closed door. His eyes fell to the little hole between the door and the floor. He could see the light from the hallway coming in through there. He saw what looked like a paper being shoved through that hole, and after a few seconds, it had fallen to the floor motionless after that. Jin was a bit confused at it, because usually if his family had something to tell him, they'd just walk in and say it. Then he remembered that he would get one from you everyday for the next few days.

     He got out of the covers, got out of bed, then walked to the folded piece of paper on the floor in front of his door. He bent to pick it up. Once he did, he unfolded it and started to read it a loud to the empty room,

Dear Jinnie,

     So this is the second you have received from me, third if you count the one from my grave. Anyways, this one is more of a request letter then an explaining letter.

Today, or whenever you're going to school, I want you to go to my locker, and take the stuff you want out of it. Any of my belongings you want, you can have, I know they'll be safe with you. Just don't take any of my textbooks because the school is going to take those back. There are pictures and notebooks that you can take. Oh, do me a favor and take my pink sparkly notebook... I wrote/drew some stuff in there that my parents wouldn't understand so I want you to take it... you know password right? Well, if you don't remember, its  3 6 8 2 ... don't forget that Jin 3 6 8 2 ... that's it for this letter. Oh, one more thing, whatever you decide to keep, make sure no one else see's it ,thanks. Also, I don't remember everything that I left in there, you might find some weird stuff, I don't know, it's just a warning :-)



Jin smiled as he put the note on his night stand as he left his room to go get breakfast. Once he came back up, he started getting ready for school. He was planning on leaving early so no one would be at the school and so no one would see him in your locker. He packed his bag with all the stuff he needed for school, and put the note in his front pocket. He got to the front door and was about to leave when his mom stopped him,

"Where you going so early?" She asked, hands on her hips

"To school" Jin answered still facing the front door

"School doesn't start for another 45 minutes"

"I know, but I have to do something before school starts" 

With that, Jin opened the door and left the house "Bye mum" he shouted walking down the street


     Jin opened the doors to the school, and quietly walked down the empty hallway. He finally found locker 326 (your locker). He placed his bag on the floor in front of it, and opened your locker. He was both shocked and amazed by what he saw. It was so colourful. The inside of your door was teal, you had streamers hanging down in the order of the rainbow, and colourful stickers everywhere. Your text and note books were perfectly placed. Yes, he has seen your locker before, but he hadn't seen it in a while, and you had changed it. He spent a few minutes alone staring at your locker and remembering things about you. He took out the letter,

"Right pink sparkly notebook" He said to himself

He looked through your locker, but couldn't find it. He looked on the inside of the door, and saw it at the very bottom, in a folder, glued on the wall. He took picked it up and examined the outside. He decided to see some of the stuff that was in it. He opened it to the first page. Sparkles  everywhere. The background was coloured in the rainbow, there were random doodles everywhere, and in big black bold letters said;

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