For The Worse

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"Because they are our bullies from last year... they are only being nice to him now because he looks different, in a good way, and I think that they are just setting him up for humiliation" I explained unpacking my bag

"Ok, so is this coming out of genuine concern or jealousy?" Caroline asked

"Concern! Why does everyone think i'm jealous?" 

I wasn't expecting her to answer that question, it was more for rhetorical purposes.

"I think this could be good for him, opening up to more people and making more friends"

"Did you not hear the former bullies part?"

"I did, but people can change... so if he wants to give these people a chance, then let him do it, if something goes wrong with them, well that's his problem, just let him experience new things with new people, don't try to constrict him"

"I'm not constricting him"

"And I never said you were, I just said don't"

I could tell that the conversation wasn't going anywhere, so I just went up to my room to do homework.


     Next morning, I was walking to school by myself, usually I go with Jin, but I was already running late and couldn't afford to spend time waiting for him. The smell of fresh rain on the pavement in the morning was my favorite smell, and still is. The sky was covered with gray clouds which looked like they were going to spill again anytime soon. Every once in a while, when I came across a puddle, I'd stop and look at my reflection for a bit before continuing to walk.

When I was about 2 minutes away from my school, it started pouring rain, and when I say pour, I mean drenched my cloths and hair.

After I got into the school, I went to my locker to put my bag away. Once I did, I went to the washroom to try and dry my hair and clothes. While I was, I heard a loud wind shield wiper laugh coming from down the hall, it sounded like Jin and I was pretty sure it was too because Jin was the one in our school with that laugh. I slowly and quietly walked down the hall to catch a glimpse and in hopes that they wouldn't notice me, of course that didn't happen.

I stuck my head out into the hallway to see, and I was right, it was Jin, he was talking and laughing with Min, Hyoun, Park, Ji-woo, and Ha-soon,

"He came to school with them? What?" I thought a loud

Somehow, over Jin's loud high pitch laugh, they still heard me say that, and they all looked at me and gave me a death stare,

"Well well well, look what we got here, an ease dropper" Ji-woo said

I freaked out "I uh... I was just going to the washroom"

"Are you sure? Because it looked like you were spying on us" Park added

Jin wasn't sure what to do or say, so he didn't do anything. Honestly, I was a little upset that he didn't help me out or defend me, but I was to focused on getting out of there. 

The three girls started to walking towards me and I quickly turned away and ran away. After I did, I heard a faint voice coming from one of the girls, I couldn't hear everything due to the other conversations other people were having in the hallway, but I heard something like "I can't believe you are friends with... you - better... it's - have us... ditch..."

"That bitch, I can't believe she just said that"

The worse part was that Jin didn't answer or try to stand up for me, usually he does, he was changing... for the worse. 

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