Haven't Talked

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It had been almost 2 weeks since the first day of school, and honestly, I'm not to sure how I got this far, I'm actually quit surprised I haven't ended it yet, but life still finds a way!

So it's official... Jin is 'to good for me' and 'out of my league'

He has made the complete transition into popularity. Every girl in our grade has a crush on him, and every boy wants to be his friend. Whenever he walks through the halls, there are people holding his stuff, and a bunch of people trailing behind him.

We haven't talked a lot recently, because he's been 'busy' but I don't believe that. I feel that he's listened to the girls who are telling him that he's to good for me. I've have barely seen him too. I mean, other than in the halls, but we never exchange greetings, he walks his way and I walk mine. We don't walk home together anymore, he goes with the popular kids to wherever, and we don't walk to school together either, because by the time I leave he's already gone doing I don't know what (probably smoking or doing drugs or something) with his friends before school. Our families aren't that close anymore either, which kind of makes me sad.

He was my only friend, and he had left me, which meant that I had to make friends with people in my chess club which is as pathetic as it sounds. I don't even hang out with them much. I hang out at lunch, between classes, and before and after school alone.

I see Jin in some of my classes, but we sit on opposite sides, and don't talk or make eye contact.

I still get bullied, nothing new. It's the same shit they did to me last year, only it felt worse because Jin wasn't there with me, come to think of it... Jin's friends are the ones who bully me, and Jin doesn't seem to care... that bitch.

I miss my Jinnie. I miss his softness and sensitivity. I miss his laugh. I miss his presence, and most of all, I miss him as a friend.

Does he even remember who I am?

I've been depressed lately to. All the school work and bullies is overwhelming at times, I need a friend and I don't have one.


Sorry this chapter is so short and doesn't really say much about the story, it's more of an over view, but I promise you, these next few chapters are going to be very overwhelming so I'm giving you a little break (not really)

This chapter wasn't completely irrelevant to the story, it gives clues to what's going to happen within the next few chapters, so maybe you'll want to re-read it and try to see if you can find the clues. There are a lot of them, and I made them quit obvious. Let me know in the comments what you think the clues are and what they might mean. If you enjoyed this chapter, pls vote



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