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Well... this is the second last chapter guys... are you guys enjoying? Did you spot the little twist to the story in the last chapter? If you didn't it's fine. Thanks for 350 reads btw, it means a lot. I guess a lot of people are enjoying this story? i hope you are happy with the ending : ) if i get positive feedback from this story, i might write a sequ, all depends.. anyways, enjoy the second last chapter :) 

    Jin had got home about an hour ago, and had trapped himself in his room. He couldn't get what Taewhan had said out of his head. 

He was sitting on his bed, with his guitar, playing a homemade song,

( @NoorARMY7 here is the original song i promised you) 

"What if the world goes slow, what if i'll never know, what it feels like to love... what i'm losing hope, what if i cannot cope, what if i lose it all tonight... what if my life's a lie, what if i cannot try, what if i leave it all behind... Just know it'll be ok, it's happens everyday, just get up and live...and when your time comes, God will take back, tonight oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh" 

Jin fell back on his bed and closed his eyes. Memories of you and him rushed in. The flashbacks were so vivid, it was almost like he was reliving those moments.


December 4th 1998

Jin walked into his grade 1 classroom, it was dark. All of a sudden someone threw the lights on. Jin saw his whole class standing there,

"saeng-il chughahae, saeng-il chughahae, haengboghan saeng-il chin-aehaneun jin, saeng-il chughahae" The whole class sang

Jin smiled uncontrollably. Then you walked up to him and placed a pink 'birthday crown' on his head,

"Happy Birthday" You said, then hugged him

He hugged back.

"We'll watch a movie of Jin's choice today" The teacher announced 


April 28th 2004

You had got called down to the office about 5 minutes ago, and was now coming back to class. When you entered the room, Jin looked your way,

"What happen?" He asked rushing over to your crying form

"M-my p-papa d-died" You cried into his shoulder as he hugged you and patted your back

"Aish Y/N-ah I'm so sorry"

"How can he be g-gone? Just like that?"

"It's the circle of life baby, everyone is gonna die at some point... he was really sick and suffering, so think of it as he went to a happier place"

You sniffled wiping your tears "O-ok... thanks Jinnie"

"Huh, Jinnie, i like that nickname"

You smiled at him.

October 13th 2004

    You and Jin were talking in the hallway before class, when suddenly 3 girls came up to both of you. 2 of them grabbed both of your shirt collars while the other led the way to the washroom (imagine its a uni sex bathroom)

    They pushed you both on the ground infront of 2 different toilets beside each other and shoved both your heads in the water,

"Hahaha drink some pee bitch" Park said laughing

They all continued to laugh. After 35 seconds, they pulled their heads out the the toilet and left.

You and Jin looked at each other. Instead of crying, they just broke into laughter,

"Hahaha drink some pee bitch" Jin mocked as you laughed harder


Jin smiled as he opened his eyes... remembering the memories you and him had made him happy. Of course, there was a part of him that wished that you could make more, but there was another part that was thankful to be able to make those memories.


Its been a few days since then. Jin has been getting beaten up by the same kids who were once his 'friends'

"Now I understand how Y/N felt" He always thought after he got punched in the face

As the school year progressed, Jin felt more and more alone, got more and more abused, and missed you more and more.

At least 3 times a week, after school, Jin would stop by your grave and just talk to your tomb stone about the events of the day and pretended that he was talking to you. Sometimes he'd even bring a picture of you to look at.

But as time went on, he was slowly losing all feeling of happiness and comfort. He felt like the world was just gray and gloomy all the time without his sunshine (you) around him all the time,

"I can't blame anyone" He'd always remind himself letting out a big, loud, and long sigh after-the-fact "I brought this on myself... it's all on me"

*Not edited*


So this was more a connecting chapter... not really saying a whole lot about the story except what was happening to Jin without you around at school... but guys, next chapter IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!! You guys excited? I am, I really hope you guys enjoy it... to me, it's going to be emotional, but idk how you'll react... anyways, I'll let you finish the story now : )

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