Last Day

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I had just arrived at school and everyone was staring at me, I mean everyone always stares at me, but today, more then normal, probably because my face was all scratched and swollen, and my arms and chest were covered with scabs. I pulled my shirt up above my face and walked to my locker. I passed by Park, her girls posy, the boys and Jin. When I did, the girls started laughing at me,

"Wow... did you get beat up or something?" Park asked laughing

I didn't answer, I looked away from them. I looked at Jin who was shocked to see me in the condition I was in, he had a concerned look on his face, he looked like he wanted to ask me if I was ok, but he wasn't going to since he was with his friends,

Jin's P.O.V

I haven't seen Y/N in so long, but when I did, she was all bruised... what happen? I hope nothing major has happen. I knew that Park had did something to her, she's the only one who'd do something like that. When Y/N had left the hallway, Park had turned around and looked into her locker. I looked around the hallway, put my hands in my pant pockets and walked up to Park,

"Hey um, What did you do to Y/N?" I asked

she laughed as she turned around and looked at me, "You'll never guess, I saw walking home last night and I punched the shit out of her"

My lips parted, I was in shock. I knew she wasn't above hurting someone because she used to do that to me,

"Why?" I questioned

"Because I can, do you still care about her? You want to go back to being a loser with her?" Park replied



End Of P.O.V

I walked into my math class and took a seat in the front row. My teacher, who was reading, looked up at me and got startled when she saw my face,

"My my, Y/N what h-happen?" She asked

"I really don't want to talk about it" I answered putting my head down on my desk.

She didn't ask me anything else after that, that's why she was my favorite teacher, she respected me and my privacy.


    Class had ended. I was walking towards my locker. I was holding a bunch of books and papers for our assignment in my hands. While I was walking, Ha-soon walked passed me. She gave me a little state and when we crossed paths, she stuck her arm out and knock all of my books and papers out of my hands and onto the hallway floor around me.
She didn't stop to laugh or say anything, she just kept on walking.


     It was lunch. I was in the cafeteria. I had just gotten my food and was walking around tables to get to the one I usually sit at. But, like everything, nothing goes smoothly for me, and Ji-woo walked passed, shoved her hand in my food, smired it all over the plate, threw some in my face, and the rest on the floor.


     That's it! I've had enough of this bullshit, everyday, day in and day. When will it end? NEVER! that's what I'm telling you. This is going to be the last day for me. I can't do this anymore.

Think carefully about what you are implying here...
If you still don't know, think harder...
What do you think it means? ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tell me in the comments!

We'll that's it for this chapter, I'll publish the next one hopefully very soon (but no promises)

If you liked this chapter please remember to vote on it and comment!
Also fyi, I didn't have time to edit so sorry for any mistakes.

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