In The Toilet

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I was in the washroom before my first class, fixing my hair in the mirror on the wall. For all I could tell, I was the only one in the washroom. I was replaying what had just happen in my head. I still couldn't believe that Jin didn't try to help me when the girls put me on the spot.

It was so quiet in the washroom that you could hear people walking around in, I know that because I did heard people walking in, but I didn't think much of it. As I looked in the mirror at myself, I saw someone walk up from behind me. Before I could react, she grabbed my hands and put them behind my back, flipped me around so I was facing her, and shoved me against the wall.
It was Ji-woo. Park and Ha-soon walked up behind her and locked me in the corner.

"Listen bitch, your friend is not your friend anymore, he's now popular, and you're still nothing... So stay away from him because he's one of us now" Ha-soon stated

"Yeah? Well how do you expect to reinforce that?" I snapped, not completely thinking through what I was saying

The girls all smirked at me, that's when I knew that I fucked up.

Ji-woo pulled me into the closest stall and shoved me on the floor. I fell on my knees and they kicked me against the toilet. They all put their hands on the top of my head and shoved my head into the toilet bowl. I started to scwerm in place because I couldn't breathe due to my face being in toilet water and they were shoving my head in for a long time.

It's bad to say, but I was used to it, they always did this last year to me and Jin, but now it was different because this wasn't happening to Jin anymore, it was only happeneing to me. I felt like a loner.
We were both in the locker room after our gym class. Usually the girls and boys have different change rooms, but a pipe broke in the boys so we were all changing together for a week.
Jin and I were infront of the lockers, we had just finished getting changed back into our uniforms. Park, Ji-woo, and Ha-soon all walked up from behind us, and shoved us face first into the lockers. Jin and I turned our heads and looked at each other. We couldn't help but smile, we had no idea why we were smiling, but we were. They realized that we were enjoying it so the dragged us to the toilets and dunked our heads in them. When we left the change room, we started laughing about it. They did it a lot of times after but that was the first time. Everytime they did that to us we'd laugh like we enjoyed it, even if we didn't.
End Of Flashback

I'm not laughing anymore. It's no longer fun for me, when my best friend wasn't experienceing it along side of me.

They all grabbed chunks of my hair and pulled my head out of the toilet bowl. I gasped for air.

"Guess you're not enjoying it now huh" Ha-soon laughed

I moved my wet discusting hair out of my face as I looked at the girls, who were laughing while looking at me on my knees in front of the toilet, with a face covered on toilet water.

"Stay away from Jin, he doesn't need your shit in his life... find someone else to be useless with" Park snapped kicking my stomach, with the heel of her shoe,

They all walked out of the bathroom.

I curled up on the floor in front of the toilet, tucked my face in my knees and cried.

My best friend had changed and wasn't coming back, I knew that, I felt sad about it, he's been my friend since grade 2, we know everything about each other and done everything together, and now he wasn't here when I needed him the most. I was alone. I felt like nothing was going to be the same after this, and I didn't just feel it, I knew it.

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