Screw The Funeral

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     It was the next day at school. No one had noticed you were gone, at first, except your math teacher who just thought you were sick.
     It was about 25 minutes into the school day when the principal spoke on the P.A. He sounded a bit depressed,
"Good morning students... I would just like to inform you all that last night, one of the grade 10's ended her life, for the privacy of her and her family, we won't be saying her name. There will be an open funeral for anyone who would like to go tonight at 6:30 at the local cemetery... May your soul rest in peace... Have a nice day"

Everyone in the class gasped. They didn't know who it was but they were all in shock. The only one who wasn't concerned was Park, she knew exactly who it was and was happy to hear that.

"Why would someone at the prime of their life end it?" Jin thought aloud "I wish they said who it was"


School had just ended and Jin was walking home by himself (for the first time in forever) untill Park came running after him,

"Jin! Where are you going?!" She asked catching up with him "We always go to my house which is the other way"

"I'm not going to your house today, I'm going to that funeral"


"Because, it's the nice thing to do, she was in our grade so I obviously knew her somehow"

"But what if you don't?"

"We'll who would it hurt?"

"Come on, this person, whoever it is, had no impact on your life, so why waste your time"

"You don't know that, even tiny things change peoples life good and bad"

Park rolled her eyes. She didn't want him getting sucked back into being obsessed over you after it took her this long to snap him out of it.

"If you come with me, I'll make you feel like you're on cloud nine"
She took her fingers and walked them up his chest like a spider

Jin caught on... "Ugh" he started to drull as he thought about it a little "ok... Screw the funeral"

"Great, let's go"

They both walked in the other direction, away from the cemetery, to Park's house. Park smiled to herself feeling accomplished.


    After about an hour at Park's house, Jin had walked home and his mom greeted him as he entered,

"Hey honey, how was your day?" She asked

"Great" Jin answered putting his bag on the floor


"Yeah, why do you sound so shocked?"

His mom didn't respond to that,

"So did you hear about the suicide that happen last night?" She asked

"Yeah there was an announcement in the morning... How do you know?"

"It was on the school website but I'm also close to her parents... Were you at the funeral? I didn't see you"

"I was going to go, but I had a change of plans"

His mom looked mad "Why?! You pabo! She was your best friend!"



"What about her?"


Jin froze in position as he registered what his mom had just said. He lips parted as he started to tear up,

"Y/N killed herself???" Jin questioned

"Yeah you didn't know?"

"They didn't say who died, but also she never seemed like she wanted to"

"Well she did, and I bet shes watching you now and is upset with you that you didn't go say goodbye to her"

Tears flooded Jins eyes "Oh my God,
Y/N is gone"

He fell to the floor, balling at this point,

"You didn't know that she was going through that?" His mom asked crying to

"To be honest, I haven't talked to her in a long time, since the beginning of the school year" Jin felt his stomach twist in regret as he said that

"Pabo. You let your best friend go, and didn't even realize that she was hurting, now she's gone"

"And I didn't even get to say goodbye"

"You would've if you came to the funeral"

"I need to take a breather" Jin said getting up and leaving


Jin walked to the school football field. He brought with him a stepping stool and a rope.

He went under the football post things and climbed up on the stool. He tied one end of the rope around the post and the other half around his neck. He was crying,


He kicked the stool from under him, and he started to gag. He was now dangling from the football post, by his neck, with a rope. He was struggling.

About 15 seconds later, Park was walking by the field and saw him,


She ran to him, stepped on the stool, and untied him. Jin fell to the floor, caughing and gaging,

"What happen? Why would you do that?" Park asked worried

Jin got up and looked at her with his watery eyes,

"You! You pulled me away from my best and only friend in the whole wide world, hurt her so much that she killed herself, and pulled me away from her funeral!"

He shoved Park "What the fuck?! I hate you! You ruined my life"

"No, I made your life better"

"Really? Then why is my best friend gone and I couldn't even say goodbye for 2 weeks?'

Park shrugged. Jin shoved her again only more aggressively,

"It all because of you! I'm going to see her again"

Jin climbed back on the stool. Park pushed him off,

"It's not worth doing this!" Park shouted

"If doing this means I can see my best friend, then I'll do it any day of the year"

"Look, I'm sorry that this happen to your friend bu-"

"No you're not" he was balling "I bet you any amount of money, that you were the main reason she did this, I also bet you that you knew she did it and that's why you were persistent on me skipping the funeral!"

"I'm sorry but at least you are loved by more people now"

"I don't care about that, I never did, all I care about is having my friend by my side, and that's not gonna happen anymore"

Jin wiped his eyes, as Park looked at him with big wide eyes,

"Just leave me alone... I want nothing to do with you from this moment on, or your friends, just... Get lost"

Jin put his hands in his pockets, turned around and walked back to his house

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