I'll Be With You The Whole Way

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I won't talk to much cuz I pretty much said everything I wanted to in the last chapter.


It had been 5 months since your passing, and Jin had brought Smeraldo flowers to your grave. He gently placed them on the left side of your tomb stone. Once he did, he sat on the grass which was now damp due to the storm that had just passed, 3 feet in front of the stone and stared at it as tears filled his eyes,

"Y/N-ah" He cried out "I need you! Life is so difficult without you, I'm all alone and I've been getting beaten up everyday by the 3 bitches, I should've listened to you and kept my distance... The worst part is I don't even know where you are, or if you're anywhere, but I want you back"

There was of few seconds of silence. All you could hear was the wind blowing the newly bloomed leaves of the trees,

"I've been with you" A calm and peaceful voice spoke out from the silence

Jin was confused, he looked around him, in the big, empty, grave yard, surrounded with nothing but trees/forest, no one was in sight,

"W-what?" He said aloud, voice trembling a bit

"I've been with you this whole time" The same voice called out again "I've seen everything that you've been through since I've been gone cuz I'm always with you"

"Who's that? Where are you?" Jin asked

"It's me Jinnie Y/N"

Jin's mouth dropped hearing that. Just as he did, he saw a black and white translucent figure appear sitting on the tomb stone, it was you.

"Y-y-y/n?" He said in shock

You lightly smiled as you folded your hands and placed them on your lap "Yes Jinnie, it's me"

"I must be dreaming" Jin said in denial that any of this was happening

"You're not" You said smiling

He looked back up at you, tears still in his eyes and running down his cheeks,

"I've missed you so much Y/N, I've missed your presence, your face, your voice, everything" Jin said crying "Life sucks, it's so hard to keep going sometimes, I-I just feel like giving up... I just want to come meet you again, hug you again, be with you again"

You went on your knees in front of him and wiped the tears from his face,

"Oh baby" You sighed looking at him cry "I know life's hard, that's why I did what I did, but you can't give up"

"W-why not?"

"Because you are strong, and brave, and not a quitter... You have a purpose to fulfil, you are going to effect a lot of peoples lives when you're older and re-define expectations, I know just know it"

"But how can I?"

"I know life's hard right now, but it'll get easier, I promise, just don't lose hope"

"How am I going to do anything without you?"

"I'll be with you the whole way baby, from the very beginning, to the very end, I'll be by your side"

You were starting to cry and this point too,

"And when your time comes, I'll be right there to greet you, and hug you again"

"But what if I need you?"

"Just call" You simply said wiping your own eyes "I'll come" You gave him a reassuring smile "Oh Jinnie" you rub your hand against his cut lip, then under his swollen and black eye.

There was silence between the two of you,

"Now lets stop crying" You said giggling

Jin giggled along with you.

"Come on, lets show the world what Kim Seokjin is about" You stated holding your hand out

Jin took it and stud up. You both hugged,

"I love you" Jin said resting his chin on your shoulder "And I'm sorry about the way I treated you"

"Don't be sorry, none of it's your fault, trust me... I love you too, don't forget this Jin, you are amazing and worth it, don't let anyone make you think otherwise, just own it"

"I'll never forget it"

"Good, now" You break the hug and stare into his eyes "I'll see you soon"

and in the blink of an eye, you had disappeared into the wind. Jin looked around him... gone. But he wasn't sad, cuz now he knew that you were with him no matter what, all the time,

"I'm gonna show the world what I got" Jin stated looking at you tomb stone with a light smile on his face.



Well, that's the end of 'You Never Noticed'

I hope you enjoyed

let me know what you think in the comments

don't forget to vote!

also, if you're interested, I also have an idea for a part 2, so let me know if you would like that : )

thanks for all the love and support to me and this book

see ya'll soon


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