16. Harrison Turned

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Gareth, Missy and Jamie ran  outside the Main Building of BCDC. They each went back to their reapective lockers/quarters/office to get some clothes, money, food & water and some other personal valuables. They agreed to meet back at the main entrance and together they will go to the terminal port that will lead them to the upside world. They will have to ask for help from above to secure the only pasaage leading back to BCDC. Gareth knew that it was selfish of him not to alarm anyone else of what was happening. He explained to the two girls that such action would compromise their safety. He assured them that when they have boarded the bullet lift, the only transportation leading to the outside world, he would activate OPlan Evac. It was an alarm specifically built to warn everyone in BCDC to evacuate their underground dwellings and proceed to the terminal to await further instructions on how to go up the outside world. The Evac Alarm will only be activated in dire situations, where hope of any kind for damage reversal is no longer possible. The confidentiality of BCDC's location will soon be compromised, they knew that. It was supposed to be top secret. But when they ask for help from above, they will have no other choice but to point at the location of BCDC and where to secure its opening.

Gareth picked only the essentials and some personal effects. He hurriedly went back to the maine entrance of the reception building where they agreed to meet. Jamie was already there. But Missy wasn't.

"Where the hell is Missy? What's taking her so long?"

"She should be here any minute now." Jamie tapped her black pumps on the marble floor.

"If she isn't here in 5 minutes, we're leaving without her."

MEANWHILE, Harrison left the CCBuilding into the labs. He quickly swiped his proximity card at the back entrance, not wanting to look back at what were after him. The card made a "tooting" sound but nothing happened. He swiped it again. Nothing. Then he looked behind him.

Natalie was walking behind him as if she was limping with broken bones with Dr. Monroe close behind her, neck falling to one side.

"Oh God no! Please! C'mon!" He desperately screamed.

And as Natalie's teeth sank onto the flesh of Harrison's back, he heard another faint "toot" and the doors flew open.


"One more minute and we're gone. I'm not kidding!" Gareth sounded as if he was convincing himself rather than Jamie.

They waited in silence for Missy to arrive. After exactly one minute, Gareth said: "That's it! Let's go! It would be a couple of hours drive before we..."

"I'm so sorry it took me so long! I can't decide what to bring and what to leave. Are we ever coming back here?"

Missy did not get any response from Gareth nor Jamie. Both were looking behind her. Missy licked her lips nervously before looking behind her at what the two were looking at.

She gasped!

Coming from the Physics Building where the laboratories were located were Natalie, walking brokenly, fresh blood dribbling from her mouth and chin, Dr. Monroe close behind her, naked, neck broken and falling to one side. A third figure emerged from the dark passage, revealing a bloodied Harrison Morris, face pale, eyes unfocused, arms outstretched forward and mouth openly frothing, making animal-like gurgling sounds.

"Sweet Virgin Mary!" Jamie muttered.

Gareth's jaw clenched at the sight of Rachel.

Missy looked at her two companions, frozen on the spot and screamed at them,


And they ran outside from the building, as the three chased after them, with one thing certain.

They will feed on them!

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