18. A Night of Unimaginable Terror

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Josie, Francis and Guile turned almost immediately after being bitten by Harrison, Natalie and Dr. Monroe. The six of them went to the next house where a family of husband and his wife and their two small daughters, ages seven and four just finished having dinner. The father was sitting on their swing at the front part if their lawn, smoking a cigar. The two daughters were playing with their Barbie dolls while the mother brought them freshly squeezed orange juice and chamomile tea for her husband and brewed coffee for herself when the six undead came crashing through their topiary which served as their fence.

The first to get attacked was the father who even tried running inside the house and managed to close the door shut. His wife ran to him with their two daughters in tow. The wife was horrified when she saw blood dripping from under her husband's shirt and was horrified when he pulled his soaked shirt up revealing two gaping wounds on his stomach and one on his lower back. She ran inside the bathroom to get some gauze, antiseptic solution and micropor tape from the medicine cabinet. She quickly ran back to where she left her husband and two daughters to attend to her husband's wounds. But what greeted her was a sight that would remain imprinted in her memory had she lived long enough for that to be possible.

There on the floor lay her daughters while her husband kneeled in front of the two motionless bodies, eating the flesh off their girls. All sanity left her and she let out a blood-curdling scream when she saw her husband's mouth pulling the intestines of their youngest daughter from her torn stomach using his bloodied teeth. Hearing her scream, her husband turned his face towards her, intestines still dangling from his mouth.

Several loud screams of horror could be heard for a few seconds, then they stopped. Chomping sounds soon replaced the screams of terror. Then the chompings ceased as well. A few minutes of silence, then two adult figures and two smaller ones emerged from the torn apart door and walked unevenly, eyes not focused and white transluscent substance seemed to cover the eyeballs, outside their home towards the street, joining the six undead who managed to transmit to them the Frozen Z Virus in less than 12 minutes.

Together, the ten undead went towards opposite directions and entered the next homes beside the ones they came from.

For the next forty five minutes, the cool, night air of the entire BCDC premises was filled with screams, then the chomping sounds, then silence for a few minutes. Then the screaming would start anew and so on and so forth.

It was a night of pure unimaginable terror!

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