17. The Beginning

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Gareth, Jamie and Missy ran towards Gareth's waiting Jeep and he started it and drove as fast as the vehicle would allow him. They were driving towards the port that would transport them to the outside world. The roads were dusty and dry, but the three inside the vehicle felt cold and chilled to the bone. They drove in silence without anyone looking back.

The Evac Alarm was not yet activated and the people residing within the BCDC compound didn't have any clue as to the dangers lurking within their reach.

Guile is a microbiologist of BCDC and his main task is to work with a team of other microbiologist to experiment on samples already created and approved by Dr. Rachel Monroe. His wife Kim lives with him underground in BCDC premises. They have a nice white, two-storey house just beside the compound. It was big enough for the two of them and would still be spacious even if they decide to have kids. Kim is fully supportive of her husband's profession and she couldn't complain about anything. They have a comfortable life and she gets everything she wants and needs.

That evening, Guile went home early. He and Kim decided to invite a couple of their closest friends for a barbeque at their backyard. Guile is busy tending to the juicy ribs on the grill, his best friend Francis helping him. Kim and Francis' wife Josie are chatting happily while spooning the salad into four bowls while waiting for the dessert, blueberry cheesecake to chill in the ref.

"Josie you be a sweetheart and bring these four bowls over to the patio table. I will just finish the final touches on the cheesecake..." Kim said, licking some blueberry left on her fingers.

"Okay. I'll bring two first and then come back for the rest." And Josie sauntered towards the open french doors leading to the patio where music can be heard playing from the speakers attached to the USB port of the laptop.

"Guns n' Roses. Boys." Josie grinned to herself. It was his husband Francis' and his best buddy Guile's favorite band of all time.

Josie put the two bowls of salad on the table and was about to head back inside the house when she heard rustling in the bushes just outside the white picket fence. She strained her eyes to see if there is anyone there or of it was just the wind.

"Hello! Is anyone there?"

The rustling became louder and faster. She moved closer to the fence to check what was causing the sound. She saw a figure of a man just behind the thick bushes.

"Who are you? Show yourself please?"

The figure moved closer to the chest-level high fence and thinking whoever it was couldn't do any harm, Josie did not move away from the fence as the figure moved towards her. She was about to speak her mind about lurking in the dark being rude when the figure, the man moved where the light illuminated its face. Now, Josie haven't seen Harrison Morris in person and even if she had she would not have recognize him.

Josie was shocked with horror and was frozen on the spot. It was too late to move away when Harrison bit Josie on her arm, tearing the flesh away.

Josie shrieked! Guile and Francis ran to her side, seeing the gash on her arm as she pointed towards the bushes.

"There was someone out there! A man! He bit me!"

Guile and Francis turned to check out the bushes where Josie was pointing, when three figures lunged at the three of them with such force that the fence was broken, giving the three undead free access to attack the people inside. Blood squirted everywhere, while the ribs on the grill sizzled and was eventually burnt to a crisp. The moans of pain and agony from the three became silent. Then groans and grunts were all that can be heard from the patio as the six undead walked on towards the streets into the waiting darkness of the neighborhood.


The jeep came to a sudden halt, coughing first before being quiet and still.

"We ran out of gas." Gareth simply said, exhaustion evident on his face.

"What are we going to do? I don't want to die!" Missy cried.

"Nobody is going to die." Jamie assured the almost hysterical Missy.

"The gasoline station is way back near BCDC compound. Either one of us walk all the way back where we came from or we all go back there. Either way, it's fine with me."

"We don't know the situation back there. We're halfway to the terminal port. And it's too dark to go alone, even with the three flashlights we have with us. If one would go back, it would be too risky for that one as well as for those left behind here."

"What other choice do we have?"

No one spoke for a minute.

"We could ask for gasoline from the houses closest here..." Jamie suggested.

Gareth thought about it for a moment. Asking for gasoline from any one of the residents may make them suspicious. And Gareth does not want to alarm them until they reach the terminal. They could say that they need to go outside for some specimen capture and he could show them his ID, telling them he is the son-in-law of their employer.

"Ok let's go. No need to tell them of the real situation ok? We only alarm them when we reach the terminal is that clear?"

A couple of soft yeses came from the two women.

And all three of them walked towards the nearest house in the dark of the night.


Kim put the last chunk of blueberry fruit on the cheesecake and smiled at her masterpiece. Blueberry cheesecake is Guile's favorite dessert. She picked it up and was about to go out to the patio when she noticed the two salad bowls on the counter top.

Josie! What was taking her so long. She said she'd go back for the remaining two bowls. Kim put the Blueberry cheesecake on the counter top and picked the two bowls.

Now, right after Kim was finished with the cheesecake, Josie, Guile and Francis were breathing their last. Kim couldn't hear their screams because right that monent, Guns n' Roses' Welcome to the Jungle was playing and Axl Rose's high pitched screams blended with the three's.

Carrying the two salad bowls balanced on a tray, Kim went out to the patio to join her husband and two friends.

Fear clouded Kim's pretty face when she saw what awaited her in their patio. The table was overturned, food all over the grass, the ribs on the barbeque grill burnt to a crisp, smoke heavy around the area. Her fear turned to full-blown panic when she saw their once white fence, broken and a gooey, dark red liquid covering the paint. She suppressed a scream when she saw one of Josie's strappy sandal, also covered in the same gooey, dark red liquid.

Kim dropped the tray and screamed on top of her voice!

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