Part I, chapter 2

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In the morning, I all but growled the entire way to school. Finally, I parked my car and climbed out. I decided to ignore everyone the best I could. I knew that since this was the first day of school, people would somehow get the idea that they had to tell me all about their summers. I still couldn't understand why people tried to befriend me so much. I mean, I am clearly anti-social, rude, and beyond indifferent. Why won't they just leave me alone? Seriously, how many times do I have to say, "Go away" just so they finally get the message?

I sighed when I saw my classmates. Here we go, the cheerful monkeys... I walked to the doors, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, hoping that maybe today...

"Hey, Gwen!"

Nope. No rest for the wicked.

"Hey, Johnny," I muttered gloomily.

"How was your summer?"

I looked at him. He still looked as nerdy as ever. The big glasses, teeth braces, the whole nine yards. Some things never change, I guess.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I said indifferently.

"That bad, huh?" he said sympathetically.

"No," I said patiently. "My summer was fine; I just don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh," he blinked. "Okay... Hey, do you wanna sit together this year?"

"Not really," I said. "Later, Johnny."

I walked into my classroom and sat at my usual place, making sure that I put my backpack next to me. I should get a sign that says, "Stay Away" or maybe some barbed wire. That should do the trick as well.

"Hey, Ryan..."

I gritted my teeth. Great, it's the Freak's time to speak to me now.

"Hi, Juliana," I said absent-mindedly without looking at her.

"Hey," she sat next to my desk. "I was thinking about what you said..."

I looked at her with confusion. What the hell is she talking about?

"Sometimes, slitting my throat sounds really tempting," she said quietly, and I almost moaned.

"Sure," I said instead. "Do it. That'll keep you out of my hair for sure."

She sniffled bitterly and I couldn't care less. I thought she was going to say something else, when thankfully, the teacher walked in. Oh, thank God!

"Morning, everybody," she sounded almost as gloomy as I did earlier, and I almost grinned.

I liked her. She was one of those people who seemed really uncomfortable amongst the others, just like me. She and I actually got along pretty well, since I would always do my assignments, and I would never bother with mindless chatter. The door opened and the Misfit walked in. Wallace glanced at him.

"You are late, Mr. Fremont," she snapped, and the Misfit just shrugged. "Take a seat. Please be on time for the next class."

He nodded indifferently and glanced around the room. His gaze stopped on me and he winced. I looked around and realized that the only empty seat in the entire freaking room was next to me. Well, damn... I sighed and pulled my backpack off the chair. The Misfit sighed as well and shuffled to my desk. To be honest, I didn't mind him as much as everyone else. He would actually be quiet, and he never bothered me with empty talks and useless remarks. If he asked me anything, it would usually be some random math question. If I had to choose between Johnny, Carl, Juliana, or Dante, I would definitely choose Dante.

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