Part I, chapter 10

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When Logan said some serious PDA, that was exactly what he meant. I am still surprised that nobody complained to the cops about our almost indecent behavior. We spent the entire day in that park, and finally, it was so dark that I couldn't see the tiny screen of my watch.

"We need to go get Dante," I breathed finally and pulled away from him, my heart beating so wildly, I could almost feel it in my throat.

"Right," Logan muttered. "Dante... Didn't he say he'd stay away from the house 'till his mother got back though?"

"McNamara," I said dangerously. "I am not having sex in a public place. Forget it!"

"Chicken..." he sighed with regret and got up. "Fine, let's go. It's getting cold anyway."

When Logan was driving us back, I told him about Carl and he laughed with gleeful menace.

"I seriously hope he shows up at your house on Halloween," he said with a grin. "I haven't gotten into a decent fight for a long time..."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Great," I muttered. "Maybe you'll be able to crack his skull open or something."

"Ha!" he said with laughter.

Dante was smoking on my front porch when Logan parked his truck next to the infamous tree. The Misfit looked almost serene, and I laughed at that.

"Are you high on something?" I asked, and he smiled peacefully.

"No," he said and blew smoke out of his nostrils. "I called home and told my stepdad that I wasn't coming home tonight."

"What did he say?" I asked with genuine interest.

"He yelled," Dante shrugged. "But I don't care. I am not staying alone in the house with him, no way! I'll have to go back on Halloween though," he sighed with regret. "Gotta make sure he doesn't traumatize some little kids for life..."

I winced. The whole thing was so sick that sometimes it felt unreal.

"Okay," I said finally. "Let's go inside, it's cold."

"You sure it's okay if I stay overnight?" the Misfit asked with alarm in his voice, and I just laughed.

"Are you kidding? My parents will be ecstatic that I actually communicate with someone besides them now. My mother will probably start baking cookies or something."

He laughed and flicked his cigarette away. I briefly wondered why hearing him laugh made me feel good, but then just shrugged it off. I guess it's okay to care about one or two people outside of your immediate family. As long as it doesn't become my habit, I should be fine.


Halloween was almost uneventful until five or so in the evening. Dante knocked on my bedroom door and patiently waited while I was frantically looking for my clothes. Finally, I gave up and pulled on Logan's shirt while he just lay in bed, arms behind his head, his eyes laughing like mad. I glared at him and opened the door.

"Hey," the Misfit grinned at me. "I am sorry for being a pain in the ass, but I need to get home. Trick-or-Treaters gonna start coming pretty soon."

"Right," I muttered. "Okay, give me half an hour to get ready."

"Thanks," he smiled and went downstairs.

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