Part I, chapter 8

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The Misfit was sitting by my kitchen table, and he was chewing the sandwich I made for him so absent-mindedly, as if he didn't even realize he was eating. Logan shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Dude," he said quietly, and the Misfit looked up at him. "I know it's none of my business, but you have to get out of there before you seriously kill yourself..."

The Misfit shrugged as if it didn't matter.

"I can't," he said and bit into his sandwich. "I have a..."

"Yeah," Logan winced. "Kid brother... But dude... You seriously think that if you wait 'till you are eighteen, then your brother will be fine without you around? You really believe that?"

The Misfit looked like Logan just punched him in the gut real hard. He slowly finished his sandwich and just stared at Logan.

"He has to be," he muttered finally. "I mean..."

"Jesus," I grumbled. "Dante, your stepdad is a sick prick, okay? I never gave an advice to anyone in my entire life, and I am not going to do it now. But, dammit, Dante! The only way your brother will be safe without you around, if you put that dickweed where he belongs!"

"Grave?" Dante blinked.

"Prison, dumbass," I rolled my eyes.

He hemmed and shook his head.

"Nobody will believe me," he carefully swept the bread crumbles off the table with his palm. "Seriously, first of all, they would wonder why I waited so long... And second..." he shrugged. "The minute someone sees my stepdad, they think he is, like, father of the year or something... I guess I'll just have to figure out a way to get Andy away from him, we'll see..."

I shrugged and started making coffee. Whatever, it's his life, his decisions. If he thinks he is doing the right thing, then let him.

"I'll just have water if that's okay," the Misfit said quickly and I snorted.

That's right, he hates coffee.

"Sure," I said. "It's in the fridge, get it yourself. I am not your slave, you know."

He laughed and went to the fridge.

"I know you," he said a couple of minutes later, and I turned away from my coffeemaker. What is he talking about? The Misfit was thoughtfullystaring at Logan.

"I know you," he repeated. "Can't figure out why though... Hold on..." he drank some water, his expression serious. "Were you Randy's roommate a while ago?"

"Yeah," Logan nodded. "For a couple of months. Then I moved in with my sister."

"Okay," Dante nodded with relief. "It was bugging me since last night... I knew your face, but I couldn't remember why."

"Who's Randy?" I asked indifferently.

"I used to be his roommate," Logan answered seriously.

I rolled my eyes. I should've seen this coming. I mean, we spent more than three hours without nasty remarks to each other; it was bound to happen.

"Dante," I looked at the Misfit. "Who is Randy? And ignore this idiot driver here..."

The Misfit blinked and shook his head, small smile playing on his lips.

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