Part II, chapter 4

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- IV -

On Wednesday night, Dante looked like he was about to commit some heinous act. Finally, I gave him the car keys and shoved him out of the door.

"Just go," I commanded. "It'll be less than three hours, since the mall closes at nine."

"Thank God," he muttered and went away.

I briefly wondered if he had anything to wear on Friday night himself, and then just shrugged. If he doesn't, he can always get something tonight or borrow something from Logan. They were approximately the same size, even though Dante was a little shorter. He'll be fine, I thought, while walking upstairs where McNamara tackled me immediately, as if he didn't see me for years.

Dante played his revenge on me that night.

"Honey! I am home!" he yelled around 9:30 from downstairs. "Get dressed and come down here, will you?"

I sighed and got off the bed. I slightly opened my door and yelled back, "Why?!"

"We have to model for you," he answered poisonously and I heard Johnny's laughter.

Damn him! Logan smiled at me gently and wished me good luck.

"You are coming too," I hissed.

"Nope," he yawned. "I suck when it comes to clothes and whatnot. Have fun."

"Traitor," I muttered, pulling on my clothes, and he smiled again without opening his eyes.

I shuffled downstairs and blinked when I saw all the bags.

"Jesus," I said with astonishment. "Did you buy everything in sight?"

"No," Dante sighed. "But we had to buy all the stuff that Johnny liked as well. He'll wear everything for you tonight, just so you can tell him what you think."

I looked into his twinkling eyes.

"I can tell you what I think about you right now," I said and he smiled.

"No need. I think I have a pretty good idea."

I grumbled and went into the living room. I plopped on the couch next to my father who was watching some sport channel or so it seemed. He looked at me with curiosity.

"You are down here early tonight," he said, and I snorted.

"Johnny is going to try on on all the clothes that Dante and he got at the mall," I said bitterly, and my father got up so quickly as if the couch suddenly was on fire.

"Have fun," he said and walked away.

I sighed. Another traitor. Dante sat next to me and I almost smacked him on the head.

"I'll stay," he said. "I won't dump you again, I swear."

"You'd better not," I muttered gloomily and blinked when Johnny waltzed in, wearing something that looked like a prop for Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"That would be one of his choices," Dante said quietly.

"Dear God," I shuddered. "No! Take it off before I go blind!"

Johnny blinked.

"Johnny," I said patiently. "Do me a favor, will you? Wear the stuff that Dante picked and that's it."

"That's only two suits," Johnny said.

"Good," I nodded energetically.

"I think I got something good too."

"Okay," I said. "Wear Dante's choices first, and then wear yours. As long as it has nothing orange, blue, red, pink, purple, yellow, or magenta in it."

"Don't forget green," Dante muttered.

"Or green," I added immediately.

The Nerd sighed in defeat.

"Fine," he said. "Two suits it is then."

"Thank God," I thought.

We were done in less than an hour, and both suits looked fine. I said that either one would work, but the Nerd kept asking, "Which one?" until I was ready to beat him into bloody pulp.

"The first one!" I exploded finally.

"I like the second one better, I think..."

"Fine! The second one!"

"But you said the first one..."

"Johnny! I don't care! I like them both! Wear either one, okay?"


"Johnny..." I took a deep breath. "If you value your life and well-being, then get the hell out of my house. Both suits are fine. Make sure that you don't wear anything from your choices in public. Ever."

"Can I mix..."

"No!! Get out!"

He sighed and finally left twenty minutes later, because he couldn't remember what he did with his car keys.

"I am going back to bed," I said, and Dante grimaced.

"What?" I demanded.

"Well," he sighed. "To be honest, I don't think it's a good idea for Johnny to even go to that dance... I mean, I am sure you are right about Tanya... Johnny was way too happy about the whole thing tonight."

"He'll be fine," I shrugged. "He will probably never trust any female ever again in his life, but he'll survive."

Dante shook his head, but didn't argue with me. I went back upstairs where I beat the crap out of Logan with my pillow.

...On Friday morning, I decided to skip school -- a thing I have never done in my entire life. Logan stared at me in disbelief when I told him that.

"You never skipped school?!" he asked.


"Good God... Who is the Nerd now?"

I hemmed.

"I like school, okay? I hate people, but school I actually like."

He shook his head.

"Whatever, Professor..."

"Hey," Dante walked downstairs, a phone clutched in his hand. "Marie is asking if it's okay for her to come over here around four, so you can help her with the dress and something else, I can't remember what."

"Sure," I shrugged. "Is everyone skipping school today?"

"Pretty much," Dante nodded and went back upstairs, muttering something into the phone.

"Hmm," I said thoughtfully. "Maybe I should go... Today might be one of those rare days when I will be the only person in the class... That's, like, my fantasy..."

"Let me tell you about my fantasies," Logan said patiently. "Believe me, they are much more exciting."

Tempting. Okay, to hell with school.

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