Part I, chapter 5

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When we got to my house, it was almost three in the afternoon.

"Hey, Gwenny," my mother said the minute we walked in.

"Mom, this is Dante," I said. "Dante, this is my mom..."

"Hi..." the Misfit muttered, his eyes covered with his dark bangs.

"Hello," my mother said with great curiosity.

I could understand her. The last person I brought home with me, was my kindergarten teacher, who was extremely curious why I was such a hostile child, and she really wanted to see my living conditions.

"He needs a nap," I said indifferently. "So he'll just sleep here."

My mother blinked, but she didn't say anything. She knew better than ask me some useless questions by now.

"Gwen," she sighed. "I hate to say it, but... Your brother called this morning and he needs us there tonight."

"Why?" I frowned. "He got kicked out of college or something?"

"No," she shook her head. "But there are some questions about the whole apartment lease application... Turns out, your father and I never signed it, and apparently, it has to be done before Monday..."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"I am so sorry that we have to leave for your birthday..."

"Ugh," I winced. "Mom, I hate birthdays and you know it."

"Yes," she hemmed. "I know, weird child of mine..."

"I'll be okay," I nodded. "I swear."

"Okay," she smiled. "We will have to leave as soon as your father comes home from work, so I need to go and pack a couple of things... Was nice meeting you, Dante," she said.

"Nice..." the Misfit muttered and swayed on his feet.

Jesus, he is about to fall asleep right here.

"Come on," I pulled his sleeve and he obediently followed me upstairs.

I shoved him into my bedroom and he blinked.

"I'll just sleep in the chair..." he started to say, and I snorted.

"Get on the bed, Misfit. I am not planning on using it anytime soon."


I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the bed.

"Just take your shoes off," I said and he kicked off his sneakers.

I was about to say something else and just blinked when I realized that he was already asleep. I shook my head and sat by my desk. Hopefully, he doesn't snore, I thought and pulled outmy math book.

...It was almost eight o'clock and my parents left two hours ago. I was finally done with all my homework and was doing math problems from the next chapter, just so I didn't have to do them later, when the Misfit muttered something in his sleep. I looked at him. He looked almost peaceful. I thought briefly if I should wake him up, but then decided to let him sleep longer. He could sleep until nine or so, I shrugged. He can always say that he was studying or something.

I returned to my math problems and jumped when someone rang the bell. I frowned. Nobody came to our house unless my parents were home or my brother came to visit. I got up and went downstairs. I unlocked the door and just blinked when I saw Logan.

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