Part II, chapter 7

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- VII -

On both, Saturday and Sunday, I didn't even get out of my room. Logan and I just stayed in bed. We didn't have wild sex or anything like that, we just lay there with our clothes on. My mother would bring food to us once in a while, and it didn't even matter somehow. Dante was staying in my brother's old room, and I could hear him curse and pace around. Once in a while he would talk to Marie on the phone. Neither of us went downstairs until Sunday night.

On Sunday night, someone knocked on my door around nine in the evening.

"It's open," I said loudly without moving my head off Logan's chest.

The door opened and Dante walked in. He looked all right, even though he was somewhat pale and he had circles under his eyes again.

"Hey," he muttered and walked towards the bed.

"Hey," we mumbled in unison.

Dante sat on the bed and pushed my feet away.

"Marie said that Johnny left the hospital today," he said gloomily.

I finally raised my head.

"How is he?" I asked and winced at myself.

Oh, he is better than great, Gwen! It's probably the best time of his life! How do you think he is, you moron?! It seemed that Dante was really tempted to say exactly the same words I was thinking, but he restrained himself.

"I guess physically he's okay," he shrugged. "Marie said that she tried talking to him, but he just stared at her like he didn't even know who the hell she was."

"Ugh," Logan sat up and brushed his hair off his face. "He is not coming back to school, I hope?"

Dante shrugged.

"No idea. He might."

"What about Hadley and Roberts?" I asked gloomily. I could not say their first names, I simply could not.

"Roberts will probably be off the hook," Dante sighed. "She claims she had no idea what was going on in there. She says she thought it was just some harmless prank..."

"Like hell she did," I hissed.

"Yeah, well... Nobody can prove it," Dante said darkly. "Hadley most probably will be detained again... But since he wasn't the one who actually..." he choked on the last words and pressed his lips tight.

"He was an accomplice," Logan growled.

"Yeah, but his dad is big time fucking lawyer," Dante snorted. "Do you seriously believe that he'll let his only son to go to jail?! Hell, he will probably try to sue the police department for detaining him!"

"Ugh," I muttered. "This is why I hate people! And believe me when I say it..." I got off the bed and started putting my shoes on. "I will never go anywhere around crowds again!"

"Where you going now?" Logan asked with weak interest.

"For a walk," I grumbled.

"Want company?"

"Whatever," I muttered and Logan grinned.

"Come on, Dante," he got off the bed as well. "We are going for a walk."

"Right," Dante sighed. "It might actually do some good..."

He was right. We walked for almost two hours, and when we finally came back to my house, we felt better.

"Gotta go to school tomorrow," I said indifferently when we were walking towards the front door of the house.

"Yeah," Dante sighed. "Won't that be buckets of fun..."

He had no idea...

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