Never to be finished Stories

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(So, my computer is running low on storage space, so I'm taking all my unfinished stories and posting them in a block chapter, this one. It's going to be long, so, feel free to skip if you're not interested. What this chapter will contain is the story I've already written, and then what I had originally planned for it but it'll never happen. Enjoy.)


"As humankind created more and more lights on the surface of the earth, the stars began to vanish."

     "Lily! Come look at the stars tonight!" The 7 year old child called out as she gazed up into the heavens. She'd been outside since sundown, and it was now nearly 11pm.

     A young girl, Lily, stumbled out of the tent, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she joined her sister in the still night air. "Again, Izzy?" she asked crossly, yawning a little as she spoke. "It's late, you should be asleep... You promised mom if she let us camp out in our yard tonight, you'd actually go to sleep at a normal time."

     Isabella, the 7 year old, rolled her eyes as she tore her gaze from the sky to look at her older sister. "I will, I promise! I normally go to sleep when the sun comes up, you know that. Besides, just look at the sky!" She flung her hand upwards as her eyes were drawn once again to the sprawling expanse of twinkling lights.

      Lily glanced up, and sighed. "Yes, very nice I suppose." She looked back over at her sister, a look of concern crossing her expression. She knew she shouldn't let Isabella stay up so late so much, but she couldn't bear to crush her dreams. She was only 10, but she'd given up her childhood fantasies already. She didn't regret it, but she didn't think her sister was quite ready to give all that up yet.

     "It's so amazing..." Isabella breathed, her eyes glued to the stars. "I've never seen the sky as bright as it is tonight."

[A/N] So, yeah. This story was inspired by my visit to the grand canyon, and my aunt and I went to a seminar about how light pollution is taking away how many stars we can see. Light glow is literally destroying the earth and all that. Anyways, this story WAS gonna be about a the little girl, Isabella, to grow up and study the stars, and then get sad that there's no more left to see. Epic quest crossing into reality, Isabella goes on a quest to bring the stars back. When she finds them, they tell her "Humans created their own stars to replace us. We won't come back until (insert request here)." Isabella agrees, the stars come back, and it's a happy ending, yay.

The Beast

     Footsteps echoed through the nearly empty halls of the once great Heart Castle. They were heavy, loud, fierce. If thunder had feet, it would sound like that.


     A few miles away, in a cottage in the woods, lived a young woman. She had been alone for years now, since her mother had passed and her father had died in the war. Her daily life consisted of chores, feeding and milking the two cows outside, taking care of the chickens, cooking meals for herself, and cleaning her cottage as needed.

     It was a simple life, but she enjoyed it. In her spare moments, of which she had few of, she wrote. Stories about her adventures in the forests, stories set in the worlds she created in her mind, poems about her emotions and life, and wild stories about her someday going on her own magical adventure.

     But, unknown to her, events that had been set into motion long before she'd even been born were guiding her along a path to such an adventure.

Spooky Scary Skeletons (RANDOM BOOK #3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora