Skype Roleplay Storyline Thing

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     Cassia started down at Ash's limp body, the barest hint of emotion flickering across her face. Inwards, her emotions were a mess, each mask fighting for control. Gifre and Sumayah had teamed up against Isabella and Amitte, while Inferno and Summer were battling in the background, practically setting the battlefield on fire between the actual fireballs and the beams on sunshine they used to battle.

     "Ready to go?" Jason's voice broke through her metal fog as he picked Ash up, slinging him on one shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes. Instantly, a black darkness smothered all the masks, sweeping across Cassia's mind like a dust storm in Kansas. They all ceased to speak, or even move, as the suffocating blackness that came with Jason's voice and touch consumed the girl's mind again.

     "... Of course." Cassia shook her head, her thoughts clear again as she looked at Jason with a touch of adoration in her gaze. "We should take Ashton to the Cadaverous Cove, they won't dare follow us past Sirens Sea. Besides, you know how to handle them, right?" Her question held a note of hope in it, as if she wasn't quite sure if she was right, but it would mean so much to her if she was.

     Jason nodded, and opened a black portal with a flick of his finger. The portal hung in the air like a glassy stone, almost reflecting the surroundings, but not quite. Jason motioned towards it, and spoke. "You gather the materials you'll need, and I'll go get the alter ready. The portal will stay open until you pass through, but don't wait too long. Ok, pet?" He gave her a dazzling smile, which was only somewhat dampened by Ash muttering "je suis in ouef homosexual..." in his sleep.

     Cassia nodded, beaming back at him. "Of course. I'll be there soon." She uttered, feeling both hollow and elated at the same time. She watched Jason step through the portal and vanish, and, as soon as he did, the voices came back, freed from whatever hold that boy seemed to have over them. The fighting started back up again, and Cassia let out a sigh as she moved around the room, collecting the supplies she'd need to help Jason brand Ash.

     As she passed the low side table, the glint of the orb Ash had been babbling about caught her eye. She paused, picking it up and holding it at eye level. All the masks fell silent when she touched it, and the sudden silence in her mind caused her to stumble backwards slightly, thought she quickly recovered. Cassia inspected the orb with a detached fascination before adding it to her bag. Who knew if she'd need it?

     Her bag finally full, and the voices of the masks back, Cassia stepped through the portal. A slight headache was starting from all of the din in her mind. On the other side of the portal, which had sealed behind her, was Jason, and he had not been idle. The cave looked nearly ready, all that was left was the items in Cassia's bag.  

     Ashton himself was lying flat on his back, on a large stone slab in the middle of the cave. His shirt already removed, tossed to the side, lay bare the scars of his past. Oddly shaped scarring ran a good part of the length of his ribcage, while knife scars rode above his hips on either side. On his upper right arm, a series of burn scars, focused mainly on the shoulder area. On the left, was a scar that looked like it came from a blunt object, such as a branch.

  And finally, the most startling scar, a cross shaped marking right on the center of Ash's chest.

     Candles surrounded the boy, each one a dark black, the shivering flame atop a startling vibrant blue. It was an unearthly color, associated more with the Underworld than anything on the surface. Multiple crystals and stones lay scattered around the rough stone alter, each one marked with a symbol and giving out a strong energy to bind the magic to Jason's will.

    "Ah, you're here!" Once again, Jason's cheery tones snuffed out the sounds of the fighting masks, something Cassia was grateful for. "I see you brought everything you need, right? If you'll just stand in this circle," He indicated a chalk circle he'd drawn to the left of the sleeping Ash, lined with purple stones and black obsidian. "I can handle the rest of it, I just need you to hand over the supplies you've brought."

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