The Voice Behind The Void

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"You didn't think I'd... forgotten, did you?"

"Who.... who are you?"

"Heh... Poor girl. EC decided she wasn't having the hassle of it this year, so who else would come torment you for the rest of the year?"

"...No. It can't be you, Sumayah took you out ages ago! He's the only one with enough power besides Isabella to do what you're planning! It won't work!"

"Think again, AngelSlayer. I'm BACK and no one will even be able to tell... You won't even remember me when you wake up."


     Her eyes flew open as she sat bolt upright, heart racing from a nightmare she couldn't even remember. Her hand flew to the phone on her bed, still open to the horror video playlist she'd fallen asleep to. Well, that probably explained the stupid nightmare. "Ugh, I should have known better." She muttered to herself, sliding her legs off the bed and standing up.

     Almost at once, her alarm went off, causing her to chuckle. Waking up before her alarm had started to become normal between the nightmares and her insomnia. She was surprised she'd been able to sleep this long, normally she woke around 3am, or didn't get to sleep until then. Maybe things were finally turning around?

     Yawning widely, she started to walk towards her bathroom, but stopped as something flashed in her mirror. "...Huh?" For a moment it had almost seemed like... 'Na. It couldn't be, I'm just on edge from the nightmare.' She thought, shaking her head at the sheer absurdity of it. She made her way to the bathroom sink and started her morning routine as usual, her mind miles away as she went through the motions.

     Only to be brought back by another flash. She blinked, surprised, and looked more closely at the mirror. She stared at herself, especially the eyes as that's where the flash seemed to come from. Her watery grey ocean eyes looked back at her, no different from normal. The lines under her eyes a little less than usual, perhaps that's what caught her gaze? With a shrug, she finished combing her hair, and after throwing it into her classical ponytail with side braid style, she left the bathroom.


     Her phone? 'Must be Landon.' She thought to herself as she pulled it from her pocket. It was the only logical explanation since that was the only friend who called her these days. However, to her surprise, it was an unlisted number. A bunch of 0's, yet not labeled as a spam call. 'How odd...' She thought, pressing the button to decline the call as she placed the phone back in her pocket. The day had continued to grow ever stranger, but she pushed it from her mind, determined to not let it bother her.

     She found herself on the hour long bus ride to her favorite Starbucks without any more incidents, and stared out the window at the passing city as the bus rode smoothly over paved roads. Her mind drifted, and this time she didn't call it back. She started to drift off, the world beyond the window blurring and disappearing before her gaze.

     She blinked, and found herself beside a large tree, branches covered in tiny, multi-colored orbs. "Back here already?" She murmured, glancing up at the towering cinnamon tree. "How odd, I normally only end up here at night or after a traumatic event." She walked closer to the tree and trailed her fingertips over it, feeling the hum of life under her roughened fingertips. "Am I here for a reason, or merely to feel the gentle pulsing of you under my fingertips?"

     "Actually, you're here to meet me." A soft voice came from behind the girl, and when she glanced back, it was almost like looking into a mirror. Yet, the girl that stood beside the humming scrying pool was younger, and wore a simple purple hairband. Her eyes were a sharp blue, the color Cassia's used to be before they dulled to time. "I'm here with a warning, Cassia."

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