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The clock strikes one.

     The cold seeps deeper into her skin, biting with a malice that not even the hot drink that rested beside her could warm. Of course, she had none to blame but herself.

     A heart of ice, a gaze so cold it could freeze the southern seas. The cold that nature gave was nothing compared to the chill of her heart and the ice of her blue, blue gaze.

     She gazed across the ocean from her balcony, knowing her flame was out there. Yet, unable to reach it she was, stuck atop this high tower with nothing but her thoughts and a few basic needs.

     Spring flowers bloomed beside her, waving ever so gently in the breeze that wasn't there. They too, searched for a flame, but the flame they wished for was already overhead each and every day.

     Soft music, instrumental of course, played from the cracked stereo deep within the room behind her. It lent a blue colour to the whole day.

Day that quickly turned to night.

Tik tik tik

The clock strikes 1.

     She doesn't move, hardly even blinks. If you yourself blinked, you might miss the faint rise and fall of her chest. The slow blinks as her lashes descended gracefully as if in a dance before rising and falling away from each other once more. The way she seemingly swayed back and forth, ever so slightly, to the sound of music no one else could hear.

     The music that had been playing before was gone, not even the stereo was there to show it had ever been. Ice coated the walls of the room, yet the balcony where she stood still bloomed with flowers of summer.

     The pale moonbeams of the night lit the surroundings almost as brightly as the sun, but with a more... muted glow. Much like the girl who's gaze was ever cast towards the sea, it was dimmer by night than by day.

     The moon danced across the sky, in a twinkling dance with the stars and the clouds. But her gaze never strayed from the sea, hoping to catch a glimpse of the flame she knew stood just on the other side of the vast ocean, looking back at her. Ice blue to flame orange, she felt in her heart the flame calling her.

     Yet there she stood, unable to move, hardly able to exist, so great was her yearning.

   The sun rose just as it had fallen, slowly, but with grace and fire.

Tik tik

The clock strikes one.

     A clock? What clock could have struck the hour when the world she lived in had nothing but her balcony. No room lay behind her, a single rocking chair present behind her on the balcony.

     The flowers around her were wilted, blackened, bruised... Much like the girl they continued on despite the pain inflicted upon them. As her heart hardened like the roots of the twisted plants, her gaze finally fell from the sea.

     Those blue, blue eyes, so clouded in pain... If eyes were the window to the soul, once would never see her soul though the thick fog that turned them almost milky. Like a petal left to dry in the sun, the colour had faded from her once bright eyes. Her knees suddenly felt weak. She fell gracefully into the rocking chair behind her, her eyes fluttering shut for the first time in years.

     Too tired to fight any longer, day slipped back into night as she slumbered, her dreams as confusing as reality.


The clock strikes 1.

     Her eyes fluttered open as the moon shone overhead. Her lips parted as a soft melody sprung forth, like a spring fed creek after the last stone was moved away. Like a dam bursting its banks, she stood in one fluid motion and began her vocal song to the moon. A melody without words, for it needed none to hold the complex emotions that she sang. 

     Music sprung up from nowhere as she danced in the sky with the stars. No stone walls held her captive, no limits tied her down to earth. She was free, and she danced and sang the whole night long.

     She no longer felt cold, nor could see her still form below. She could see naught of her flame finally reaching her, too late.

She danced with the stars forevermore, and was finally happy.

Spooky Scary Skeletons (RANDOM BOOK #3)Where stories live. Discover now