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I received a lot of well done 's after I read my piece in class. I don't really know why. I hadn't done anything, if anything, it was a tribute to all the work Olivia had done. That's why I had read it. I realised it wasn't really all about me anymore. It was about her and I would do anything for her.

Once the last bell went, Zoe found me and felt my arm. She guided me to follow her down the hallway in the direction of the student council office. She seemed alarmed which is the only reason I abided.

"So turns out I'm actually all talk. Miles, I don't think I can do this." She said looking green.
"Yes, you can. Zoe, remember who you are: Zoe freaking Rivas."

She took a deep breath after we got in the office as if it was her own safe space and took a pair of scissors from the table.

She took a deep breath after we got in the office as if it was her own safe space and took a pair of scissors from the table

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"What if everyone turns their back on me? I feel like a fraud, all those guys I used to flirt with..." She rambled playing with them.

"I cannot express how irrelevant they are." I shook my head. I could say that as being one of them guys.

"What if Tris is right tho, I'm meant to be helping to preach that this is a safe space

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"What if Tris is right tho, I'm meant to be helping to preach that this is a safe space. What everyone will thinks I'm a hypocrite for not being honest all this time, what then?" She asked worriedly.

"It's not about how long it's took to get here. This is about your journey and your truth . You could be such an example for this school, all the closeted people seeing their co-president is a badass lesbian amongst other cool things." I smirked and hit her on the arm friendlily.

"Wow, I guess you're right... You need to be right at the front. I can't do this without you." she pleaded

"Um...Zoe, I have to get back home to Olivia. I wanna be here but..." I trail off watching her face fall.

"I get it you want to see her but don't you think Olivia would want you to help me with this? She was one of the first people I ever told who didn't push me away and accepted me..." She smiled nostalgically.

" She smiled nostalgically

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