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Unba's POV

I wake up to see myself on the ground in the middle of the woods. I looked around as I held my neck.

Zetsu: " If you really want to know. " I looked behind me to see Zetsu's head pop out from the ground. " Itachi is waiting at the Uchiha's Hideout. "

Unba: " Uchiha's Hideout... " I got up and walked there until.

'BOOOOOOOMMM!!!! " I looked up to see a huge light that's shaped as a human being.

Unba: " W... What the... "

Zetsu: " Deidara is facing Sasuke Uchiha... I think their battle has ended right about now. " I ran straight for the Hideout. When I got there and walked in to see Itachi.

Itachi: " Who would've thought, I'll see you first before I see my brother. "

Unba: " You're planning to die today aren't you. " He close his eyes.

Itachi: " What makes you think that? "

Unba: " You can't sit there and tell me that your eyes isn't close to losing their light. "

Itachi: " Yes... But, there's another way to gain eternal eye. Immortality. " He looks at me then, got up. " But... Since you're an Uchiha. " He past right by me. " I'll be taking your eyes. " I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan then, turned around counter his attack with my own kunai.

Unba: " What are you talking about? There is more to the Sharingan. A much more greater power to it then just the Mangekyou. " He jumped back and threw three Kunais at him but, he deflected two of them then, jumped back after seeing the third one as a bomb.

Itachi: " There are to other levels higher than the ordinary Mangekyou Sharingan.... The Eternal Mangekyou. "

Unba: " T.... The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan...? "

Itachi: " Yes... This power is only attend by taking one that has already unlock an Mangekyou Sharingan.... With great power comes with great a price to pay. " I remember back then, when dad was forced to kill one of his friends and took their eyes. Afterwards, his eyes became different. " So, I'll be taking your eyes! " He reached out to me as the Susanoo aura protected me as Itachi fell back.

Unba: " Sorry but, you're not having these eyes. " I said as the Susanoo's arm grew and smacks Itachi as he hits the wall.

Itachi: " (Coughing)... T...the Susanoo... "

Unba: " I.... I was forced to kill my friend even though I had to protect her. "

Itachi: " Well, no matter. I'll have to kill you first. " He said as he summoned his own Susanoo. " Let's see who's stronger? " He took his blade out and swung at me as my Susanoo grabs it.

Unba: " Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! " I blew out a huge fireball towards him. From nowhere his Susanoo blocks it with some type of shield. What the... How is he? I put more chakra into the fireball as it continues to push him back but, without struggle he deflects the fireball attack as it scattered and hit every wall. " What? " He looks at me as he thrust his arm out as the blade itself slash right through my armor.

Itachi: " You're weak... " I drop to the ground holding my arm. " Now, your eyes are mine. " He went for me. I closed my eyes.

Unba: " No!!! " I opened but, everything was in slow motion as Itachi's blade was inches away from me. I jumped back, not knowing what's going on. I looked as everything was going in slow motion. Not just itachi. Is this... Is this my eyes ability... I walked up and looked down until Itachi hits the ground I was at with great force.

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