New Beginning

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Unba's POV

I used my chains to opened a way out and jumped out to be faced by Sasuke's Susanoo as he swung his sword at me. I used my chains to block it but, I'm send back and through the wall of rocks and towards the ground. His Susanoo reached out towards me as it shoots out a spear like lightening attack. When I slam to the ground, I quickly used my Susanoo's power and scythe to block his attack but, also absords it.

Sasuke: " So, your scythe absorbs chakra. Hmm... " His Susanoo vanished as he falls down towards me with his sword and threw it.

Unba: " Fire Style: Great Wall Of Fire! " I blew out a giant wall of flames as it blocks his sword but, the flames turns black as I jump away as the entire wall turned into the black flames of the Amatursu.

Sasuke: " Fire Style: Inferno Fire Ball! " A huge black flamed fire ball came straight for me. I used my Susanoo as a shield then, jumped out of it as it's hit and quickly turned into flames. I drop to the ground to see my Susanoo being engulfed in flames. I closed my eyes as blood ran down both of them. I opened it as the black flames quickly extinguished by my time ability. I quickly turned around to be kicked and send to a tree crashing.

Sasuke: " You good but, not that good. By the looks of it, you're still getting use to those visual powers of yours am I right. "

Unba: " Don't you dear take me as a WEAKLING! " I stopped time and went for his neck and slice his head off but, from nowhere I'm being kicked back and slam to a tree again. " Damn you Sasuke... " He walks over to me as he ready his sword. I tried to use my Sharingan again but, my Eternal Mangekyou switches back to a regular third tomoe. He dashed at me as I used my instinct. In fear, my chains came out and block his strikes that sends me back through a tree and out rolling on the ground.

Sasuke: " It's over. "

Unba: " No... Noooo.... I... I can't lose... I... I CAN'T.... SAAAASUKEEEEE!!! " I screamed as my perfect Susanoo forms and slams it's hand at Sasuke but, missed as Sasuke himself teleported up and used his Susanoo. Looking down at me. " Sasukeeeee... " I looked up at him.

Sasuke: " There it is... " Now, time to text her- I dashed past him and turned around as I look to see the damaged I did. As half of his Susanoo is cut. " Urgh... " I swung my scythe as Sasuke blocks but, is sent down.

Unba: " I will defeat you Sasuke... I will not lose... I WILL OBTAIN THE RINNEGAN! AND KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS! " I dashed down towards him as he teleport out of my attack as the entire area sunks down in a huge circle. I looked up as Sasuke heals his Susanoo with more chakra. Filling the other half of his Susanoo whole again. I grab my hair and smiled. " Now, you should fall and taste my power Sasuke. "

Sasuke: " Don't get too cocky. If you haven't notice but, I have more experience than you with the Sharingan than you can every imagine. "

Unba: " You say that but- " I jumped into a portal and drop out on the other side. I looked at my Susanoo to see it being exploded in all different directions. I looked up to see Sasuke using one hand sign then, used the Chidori. I surrounded my hand with flames while bolding my fist. " Time to end this Sasuke. " We dashed towards each other and threw our arms out and collided attacks one more time.

Sasuke: " .... "

Unba: " Tsk... Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! " I pushed back as he's giving me a surprise look on his face. " I... I won't lose to you!!! " He closed his eyes.

Sasuke: " It's over. " I looked from behind him to see a clone as it smacks me down with a chidori. Before I knew it. I black out.

(Hours Later)

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