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Unba's POV

I opened my eyes to hear the chattering of the villagers as they walked the around.

Unba: I've slept that long... I got up and put on my hoodie. I walked out and looked both directions then, headed straight down and deeper into the village. I walked straight towards the Uchiha's shrine and stopped to see a woman in pink hair and a child with black hair and glasses. They turned to look at me.

???: " Oh. Hi there. You're coming to pay your repects. " I gave them both a glance then, walked pass them and stop.

Unba: " You have no one to pay respects too. "

???: " Huh? "

Unba: " I can tell. You aren't an Uchiha. So, what is an outsider doing at the shrine build for the Uchiha's? "

???: " Well... You're not completely wrong. I'm not an Uchiha but, I'm married to one. And this is our daughter Sarada. " I turned around and looked at the kid's eyes to see the clan's bloodline running through her. " Oh, and where's my manners? I'm Sakura Uchiha. And this is my daughter Sarada. " I looked at the girl then, turn and look at the shrine.

Unba: " Unba... " I said then, walked into the shrine.

Sakura: " Hey, you cant go in the- " I ignored her and close the door. I walked over and looked at the stone.

Sasuke: " So... You really did came. " I turned around as I see Sasuke getting up from the corner of the wall and walked over.

Unba: " You think I wasn't going to pass up on more power. No, I'm not. You should know that, and besides... You're an Uchiha as well. "

Sasuke: " It's true that throughout most of my life, I resorts to power and only finding it alone... But, there is more to it then, just power. There's love, and the need to protect... I'm sure you had the same feelings I'm talking about before you unlocked your visual powers of the Mangekyou and Eternal. " I looked away at the stone. " This stone,... it was put here for generation to generation to help and educate the Uchiha members about the hidden powers within the eyes but, it also tells you the curse of achieving that power. "

Unba: " I don't need a educated lesson from you. Just tell me everything you know about the Rinnegan and how I obtained it. "

Sasuke: " ...The power is only unlock by having both of the Senju's blood and the Uchiha's blood in one... Which you've already guess you have already. " I looked at him as he looked down at the stone. " The stone gives you information on how to obtain the Rinnegan but, not how to unlock it within the eyes. "

Unba: " Then... How did you unlocked yours Sasuke? " He closed his eyes.

Sasuke: " I've obtain this eye thanks to none other than the Sage Of The Six Paths. "

Unba: " What?! But, that's impossible! Why are you lying to- "

Sasuke: " It's not a joke. During the Fourth War. I was at the verge of death. A matter of fact, I did died momentarily but, thanks to the friends that kept my heart beating, and The Sage that shared some of his blood and power. I've awaken the Rinnegan only in my left eye. "

Unba: " Then, you're telling me to have a near death experience in order for me to awaken the Rinnegan. " He looks at me and looks with his Rinnegan.

Sasuke: " ...Hmm... You haven't noticed but, you've already awakened it. You just don't know how to activate it on command. "

Unba: " So... How do I activated it? " I said getting more annoyed.

Sasuke: " ...Meet me in the Forest Of Dead Trees. " He said as he dashes out in a flash. I walked out of the shrine and see the two people gone. I looked at the sky which causes my stomach to talk.

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