The Mortal Cup Part I

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A.N. I cannot take credit for any of the outfits I add to this story as I've found them on Pinterest. If Polyvore was still up and running I would be happily making my own outfits for my character but since it's not this is the best I've got. Sorry guys xx


Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Fray could tell you right now that she looked nothing like her younger sister. For one, she certainly had a lot more colour to her skin than her sister's pale complexion offered. She also hadn't inherited the Fray red hair. Her mother told her it was because she took after her father, though Lizzy never missed the way she would cringe and avoid meeting her eyes when she said this.

It didn't bother Lizzy though, she liked standing out and was all too happy to do so. Right now, Lizzy was sitting at a table in Java Jones', waiting for Simon to arrive so she at least had someone to converse with. She perked up when someone sat in the chair opposite her only to deflate when she realised it wasn't anyone she knew.

The guy was cute, she'd give him that much. He had a square jaw and piercing blue eyes that were partially covered by a mop of brown hair that couldn't be styled the way it was naturally. His clothes were expensive and the cocky smirk on his face told her that he was probably an only child that was used to getting exactly what he wanted. Any other day of the week she'd be happy to entertain him, but today was about Clary and she wasn't in the mood to flirt with Abercrombie right now.

"Not interested," she said the moment he opened his mouth to speak. His cocky smirk fell from his face and Lizzy pressed her lips to keep from smiling. "Not going to happen," she continued when he tried to say something again. Lizzy watched his jaw clench, his right eye developing a tick as he smiled tightly, obviously still trying to be charming.

He opened his mouth to say something again when it snapped closed and his eyes narrowed moments before Lizzy felt an arm draped across her shoulder and lips press to her forehead. She inhaled, taking in the familiar smell of Simon's body spray. Lizzy smiled sweetly, turning her head to look into his eyes as he smiled back at her.

"Sorry, I'm late," he told her as she placed a quick kiss on the side of his mouth. Simon turned his head to look at Abercrombie and smiled a little more widely, "who's your friend?"

"I was just leaving," Abercrombie muttered before he stood from the chair and stomped off to sulk in a corner.

The moment he was gone, Lizzy slumped into her chair with a groan. "Thank you, you're a lifesaver," she told her friend as he sat in the seat Abercrombie had just vacated.

"No problem, Lizzy," he grinned, his cheeks tinged with pink as he adjusted his glasses, "how long have you been here?"

Lizzy checked her phone and shrugged, "little over an hour, my lesson finished early."

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