The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy Part IV

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There is a fair amount of the script in here and I apologise for that, I will try to make it happen as little as possible but it was inevitable with this specific chapter. With that said, I still hope you enjoy it.

WARNING: For whoever may be adverse to it, there will be a scene that may offend people who have a problem with femmeslash (I believe that is the correct term). I don't want to give the scene away but if you reach it and you are easily offended, please feel free to skim over it. As a very proud Pansexual woman, I want the LGBTQ+ community represented in my story, not just with Malec, but with my own OC's past. The scene's in this chapter won't be entirely pleasant and in no way am I saying this is a representation of our community. I love the LGBTQ+ community and find the wide range of people both beautiful and inspiring. So please do not take offence to the actions of the characters in this chapter. xx

Quick Disclaimer, I obviously don't own any of the characters, places, and/or objects save my Oc's, those rights belong to the beautiful Cassandra Clare.


"You have to understand, the Silent Brothers are not like us," Jace explained to Clary as they approached the City of Bones, feeling his own nerves settle in even as he remained cocky and calm on the outside. He was sure Alec sensed his discomfort as his parabatai kept throwing glances at him.

"They lack your charm and superior people skills?" Clary quipped as she strutted beside him.

Jace chuckled, sending her a smirk, "yeah, most people do..."

"Lizzy could give you a run for your money," Clary interrupted, sending him her own smirk as she thought about her sassy sister and how she'd used her charms to get things in her life. She didn't fault Lizzy for her methods, her sister was ambitious and used every available asset to her advantage. Clary both admired and envied her for it.

"I don't doubt that," Jace muttered, too low for Clary to hear, "the Brothers communicate without using words, using just their thoughts," he continued louder.

"That doesn't sound so bad," Clary shrugged.

"Don't let their silence fool you," Jace cautioned, "they'll hold the Soul-Sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind. If you're not strong enough, you will die."

'Little ray of sunshine, isn't he?' Clary could hear Lizzy saying in her mind, even as she froze to the spot, "I, uh, I take it back. That sounds level ten bad."

"Clary, you should know, the pain will be excruciating. You don't have to-"

Clary glared at Jace as she stood in front of him, "I'll do anything," she told him fiercely, "walk through fire, battle demons, whatever it takes. I have to get my mum back. I can't... I won't lose her."

"You won't," Jace assured her, placing a large hand on her shoulder, "we won't."

Clary spies a skull on the door and tries to swallow her fear, "I can do this."

"Yeah, you can," Simon encouraged, "you're Clary freakin' Fray. You can do anything!"

Clary smiled softly at her best friend, "thanks, Si."

Even with her friend's encouragement, Clary hesitated. 'It's okay to be scared,' she remembered Lizzy telling her when she was ten and had run to Lizzy's room during a storm, 'what's not okay, is to allow that fear to consume you, Clary. If you can't squash it, hold your head high, straighten your spine, and fake it until you make it.'

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