Brief Interlude

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Hey everybody, so, sorry about how long this has taken. I've been a bit over the place with doctors appointments and psychologist appointments and some days it just gets to be a bit much and all I feel like doing is burying myself under my blankets and sleeping for eternity.

But everything is okay. This isn't a long chapter but I am posting the second one tonight as well so I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to vote and leave me a comment.

The first surprise Raphael faced when he returned to the Hotel DuMort was when he couldn't get the mundane, Simon, through his door. The next, was when a furious Shadowhunter walked from his bathroom, her eyes flashing a brilliant shade of green as she glared at him.

"What. The. Hell?!" she yelled, grabbing his expensive suit jacket and pinning him to the wall beside his door. Her smell had changed again, the same scent he had smelled in the alley when her eyes had first changed colour. His eyes moved to her blood-stained shirt and then to her neck where two puncture holes were swollen and still weeping blood. "Where the hell were you?!" she continued when he didn't say anything.


Her eyes snapped to the mundane and Raphael watched as they flickered from green to brown. "Si?" she asked in a small voice, her hands loosening enough for him to pry them the rest of the way off of him. Her scent was fluctuating again until it changed completely as she stepped towards the mundane and fell into his open arms.

Raphael would never admit it, but the sob he heard come from the small Shadowhunter broke his dead heart. Her head was buried in the mundane's chest as he tried to get her to calm down; confusion, anger, and fear rolling off of him in waves.

"H-how?" the female Shadowhunter, Lizzy he reminded himself, asked as she looked up at the mundane.

"Got kidnapped by a vampire," the mundane replied before he frowned, "I never thought I'd be saying that."

Despite the salty tears still falling from her eyes, Lizzy giggled at the mundane's reply and Raphael fought the twitch of his lips that threatened to turn into a smile. Her giggling stopped, however, when she properly processed the words, he had spoken to her and Raphael watched as she slowly turned in the mundane's arms to glare at him.

"You took Simon?" she growled, "why? And, who the hell are you anyway?"

That confused Raphael, had he not introduced himself to her in the alley before she had passed out? Yes, he distinctly remembered their introduction moments before she had passed out. Did she have a concussion? Perhaps he should have checked her over better before he went off to do Camille's bidding.

"Raphael," he replied, hiding his confusion until he could properly speak to her about the events of earlier. He didn't miss how Simon had managed to cross the threshold of his door the moment Lizzy had realised who it was. Had she been the cause of that? What possible reason could she had haved for doing it?

"Like the Ninja Turtle?" she questioned, her lips turning up at the corner in apparent amusement.

"More like the angel," he replied smoothly.

Lizzy snorted and Raphael narrowed his eyes. She coughed, "sorry," she muttered though, he knew she didn't mean it by the way her lips were pressed into a thin line to keep from laughing. "Are you okay?" she asked, turning back to the mundane as she scanned him over, "did he hurt you? Want me to stake his arse?"

"I'm standing right here," Raphael interjected with a roll of his eyes.

"Hush now, Dracula, the humans are talking," she scolded him, not even bothering to look at him.

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