The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy Part I

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters, places, and/or objects other than my Oc's. All other rights go to the beautiful Cassandra Clare.

Also, same outfit as last chapter with the addition of a black leather jacket.



Three sets of voices filled Lizzy's ears, Simon's grip falling from her hand as he turned to look at her with disbelieving eyes. He hadn't expected Lizzy to agree with him. Clary? Maybe. But not Lizzy. In fact, Simon had readied himself for an argument, because he knew if Lizzy didn't come with him than Clary certainly wouldn't. Now? Now, his mind was blank, trying to figure out something to say to fill the tense silence.

He was beaten to the punch by Blondie.

"Lizzy," he began, moving towards her, his forehead creased as he moved the hair from his face with his hand, "you can't be serious. Think about this... think about Clary."

Lizzy sighed, bringing her fingers to the bridge of her nose where she pinched the skin, a new headache coming on. This one wasn't like the earlier ones, no, this one told her she was becoming stressed and frustrated, two things that were never a good combination with Elizabeth Fray.

"I am thinking about Clary," she replied, "I want to protect my little sister."

"And I can help."

Lizzy moved her eyes to meet Blondie's, "that's the problem," she continued, "because I need to protect her from all of this. Including you and your world." She took a step away from Blondie, moving closer to Clary who had yet to stop gaping openly at her. "I've known you for less than a week and I can already see just how dangerous the life you live is," she explained, "Clary and I... we're not Shadowhunters."

"But you are," Blondie tried to argue, "your fighting abilities, your runes, hell, the way you handled yourself at Pandemonium and in your apartment shows years of training. Shadowhunter training. I recognise it from my time in Idris."

"What's Idris?" Clary asked.

"It's like the Buckingham Palace of the Shadow World," Lizzy explained without realising what she'd actually said.

She took in a breath of air, "look," she began again, her eyes now looking at the shoes Isabelle had lent her, "I appreciate everything you've done for us, really, I do. But our mum obviously wanted us out of this life..."

"But mum's not here right now, Lizzy," Clary finally interjected, "these Circle guys took her, and Jace is the only chance we have of getting her back." Clary turned to Simon, grabbing his hand and holding it to her chest as she looked at him, "Simon, I think Jace can help, but I don't want to do this without you. Please, Simon," she pleaded, her large eyes begging him to come with her.

"How do we know this Mick Jagger-looking guy is even gonna try-"

"Mundane, we do not have the time," Blondie hissed, his eyes no longer meeting Lizzy's as he tried to ignore the small pang of hurt he felt at her words.

"Come on, Simon, let's go."

Lizzy watched as Simon caved to her little sister, both teenagers walking back towards the church hand in hand. Blondie remained where he was, his eyes still refusing to meet hers as he spoke, "Lizzy, I promise I'll help you find your mum..."

"...I know you will," she interrupted, "but at what costs?" she questioned, "have either of you thought of that?" Lizzy tightened her hold on her jacket as she shook her head, her still wet hair clinging to her back. "I don't know much about the Circle, but it doesn't take a genius to realise that they're dangerous. I don't want to endanger the lives of anyone in that Institute," she continued, gesturing to the older church that Clary and Simon were waiting in front of.

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