The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy Part III

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Sorry about the long wait guys! I've had quite a few things that have kept me rather busy. To make up for it, I'm posting two chapters for your viewing pleasure. That sounded cheesy. Forget I said that. ANYWAY, because of Lizzy's differing personalities, I have decided to call her other self, Elizabeth, just to make it less confusing, so please keep that in mind when you're reading. Do you have any theories about her yet?

P.S. the view is constantly changing to get the most out of this story, kind of like TV shows do, I hope this doesn't bother anyone xx


"What do you mean 'Lizzy's gone'?!" Clary exclaimed, standing in front of Hodge as Jace and Alec surveyed the cameras. They had already watched the footage of Lizzy leaving the institute, not even glancing back as she ran off. That had been an hour ago but apparently, they were only just learning about it now.

"She flipped out, said she couldn't handle everything that was happening and then fled the Institute," Hodge lied, "not to mention, she attacked me, Clary."

Clary's eyes narrowed at the man, "she wouldn't do that! She'd never leave me here on my own and she certainly wouldn't attack someone without cause!"

"Are you insinuating I did something to her?" Hodge growled, his own eyes narrowing.

"Maybe I am!"


They both turned to Lizzy who had just walked into the room, Clary's phone in her hands as she glared at the both of them. "Fighting isn't going to help us," she scolded as she handed Clary her phone, "it went off a moment ago."

Clary quickly grabbed her phone and looked down, her shoulders slumping in relief when she saw a text from Lizzy. "It's from Lizzy," she told the others as she quickly unlocked her phone and opened the message.

Jace was by her side the moment she mentioned it being from Lizzy, looking over her shoulder and frowning as he read the text.

I'm sorry for leaving without telling you Clare-bear. It was all too much. Don't worry about me, okay? Just find our mum, that's all that matters right now.

Clary quickly got out of the message, found her sister's number, and dialled it. She placed the phone on loudspeaker as she waited for Lizzy to pick up. "Lizzy where are..."

"You've reached Lizzy's phone," her voicemail began, making Clary frown. Lizzy never turned her phone off. Ever. "Please leave your name, a number, and a short message at the tone and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible."

Clary hung up and looked up at the others standing around her. "I don't understand," she told Jace, "Lizzy never turns her phone off and she always answers when I call her."

"We'll find her, Clary," Jace assured her, his mismatched eyes searching her face and seeing the concern shining brightly in her eyes for her sister. He couldn't deny that he was worried about the sarcastic teenager either, his chest feeling heavy now that he had no idea where she was or if she was okay.

Clary shook her head, "Lizzy said to focus on finding mum."

"The Circle could be looking for her right now and you're focused on your mother?" Alec growled, startling everyone, even himself, at the concern that laced his statement.

"Look, Lizzy can handle herself," Clary told him, "she's been taking self-defence lessons for a few years and I know she's capable of handling herself if the need arises."

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