six - feral hearts

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Dan was away at work, and Phil again was left bored at their home. Rosalie was sleeping soundly on Phil's bare chest, Dan convincing him that kangaroo time was a good thing for her. Phil didn't understand why, but Dan did have that maternal instinct. 

Phil was tired of watching the TV, even though the two had Hulu and Netflix to choose from, plus a few premium channels. Twitter was boring, even though he constantly got questions about Dan and if we still were together. 

Phil hadn't talked to Dan about coming clean, and telling the internet about Rosalie and that while they aren't back together, they have a future together. Phil still loves Dan with his whole heart, and right now a relationship isn't wise, but they both secretly wanted back together. 

Now that Phil thought about it, Rosalie had never been outside of their house since she was born. And Dan had given him permission to take her to Phil's parents house, so that means he can go see him at work, right? 

Phil carefully got up, slowly waking up Rosalie, who just whimpered and grabbed a handful of his hair when he placed her on his shoulder. He headed into her room, grabbing a new diaper, a onesie, and some shoes. He decided last minute to put her in a hat, in case it was cold outside for her little head. 

Dan had installed a car-seat in Phil's car for him, so Phil carefully buckled her up, making sure she was good and tight before jumping into the drivers seat. He starts the car, listening to it purr to life, putting it in reverse and exiting their driveway, making his way to Dan's coffee shop.

It was a ten minute trip, before he saw Dan's beat up Volkswagen Beetle parked in front of a cute little coffee shop. He parked beside Dan's car, unbuckling Rosalie and locking his car. He turns Rosalie to face the shop as he opens the door, hearing a bell above him jingle.

"Hi! Welcome to Betty's!" Phil hears Dan's voice call, and watches as he appears from the back area, a huge grin on his face as he spots Phil and Rosalie, "Is that my baby?" He coos

"Wow, only happy to see her, I see," Phil fake pouts, making a sad face.

Dan laughs fondly, beckoning them towards the counter, "Don't be silly. I'm happy to see you too." Dan grabs one of Rosalie's hands, a gurgle escaping her mouth as she realizes Dan is there, "Hi baby!" 

"I got bored, and I figured Rosalie deserved to see her Daddy hard at work," Phil says, sitting down at the counter, Rosalie in his lap, leaning against his chest. 

"That's nice. But aren't you worried?" Dan asks quietly

"Of?" Phil questions

"Of your fans seeing you here with me, with a baby," Dan whispers

Phil shrugs, "Not really. We'll have to tell them eventually, and I'm not ashamed of you or her," 

Phil swears Dan blushed before he looked away, "Do we have too?" 

"Do you not want them to know? You know the internet is already questioning your whereabouts as is, what do you think they'll think if they see us with a baby?" 

"I'm scared, is all." Dan admits

Phil puts a hand on Dan's, smiling at him, "Don't be. You've got me, I'll protect you," 

Dan blushes this time, and leans into kiss Phil's cheek. But Phil has other ideas, and turns his head, so his lips land on his. Dan pulls away in shock, and Phil stares at him with a smirk, and Dan laughs.

"Always a romantic. You hungry?" Dan asks 


a beautiful accident (a dan howell/phil lester story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora