eleven - can you feel the love tonight?

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Phil was awake before Dan, which was unusual, since Dan was always naturally awake by 9am, but today was different. It was 10:45am, and Dan was still sleeping even after Phil showered and changed into day clothes. So, Phil being the great boyfriend he is, went downstairs to the hotel's lobby, finding the free breakfast. He grabbed some food and two coffees, making his way back to their hotel room. 

Dan was still asleep, curled into a ball with the blankets cocooned around his frame. Phil placed the breakfast at the little table in the room, crawling back into bed, shaking Dan's shoulder softly. Dan moaned in protest, curling deeper into himself, before he smelled the food and opened one eye. 

"Brought us breakfast, get up while its hot love," Phil says quietly, which made Dan slowly get up, hair sticking up in different directions, the duvet wrapped securely around him. 

"Thank you," Dan mumbles, slowly getting out of bed, hissing at the cold, "Hotels are literally a different of cold, Jesus," He grumbles, tightening his grip on the duvet

Phil laughs at his comment, sitting at the table with Dan, who goes for a waffle and some bacon. Phil opts for a waffle as well, but with some fruit to place on top of it. They both drizzle their waffles in syrup, and eat quietly, before Dan pipes up.

"So, what are the plans for today?" 

"Well, we don't have to be at the restaurant until 7:00pm, so I figured you and I could go to Little Venice, since you've always wanted to go. And tomorrow I have us booked to go to Hyde Park Stables." Phil says

Dan's eyes light up at the mention of Little Venice, "Yes! That sounds so fun!"

"Well, as soon as you're done eating, we can wash up and head there," 


The weather was all-too perfect in London, especially for a little trip on Little Venice. Dan and Phil decided to do a boat trip, and have a mini-lunch at The Waterside Cafe. Phil watched in adoration every time Dan pointed out a duck, or the occasional Egyptian Geese. He watched as Dan's eyes gazed over all the buildings and into the water, watching fish swim alongside the boat. It was complete tranquil, utter relaxation, and the boys were enjoying every second. 

And whatever worries Dan had about fans spotting them together, they were out the window. Dan wouldn't let go of Phil's hand, and he was cuddling up to him the entire boat trip. The two hadn't officially confirmed their relationship, just confirmed that they had a child. The two barely even spoke about Rosalie, choosing to try and keep her out of the spotlight until she was ready to show her face. 

"Can you imagine if we ran into fans like this?" Phil starts, testing the waters

Dan's head moves from Phil's shoulder, where he was resting, "What do you mean?" 

"I mean, we never confirmed we were back together. All they know is that we have a child, not that we're together. Those three girls we saw at the supermarket were blacklisted, nobody believes anything they say about seeing us together. Aren't you worried?" 

Dan's eyebrows push together in confusion, "Should I be? Do you not want to be officially out again?" 

"I wouldn't mind, but I know you were timid to the idea before. But I'm so proud of how much you've grown, and I'd always be happy to tell everyone you're mine again, Dan." Phil responds, kissing Dan's forehead, watching a rosy pink seep onto Dan's cheeks.

"Then let's make it official. Let's break the internet, again," Dan says daringly, a grin on his face.

Phil pulls out his phone and goes to Instagram, creating a Boomerang on his story of the two smiling, Dan kissing Phil's cheek. He tags the location, captioning it, 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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