nine - embrace

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(switching it up today and doing POV's. fight me.)

(Dan's POV)

"Would you guys like to meet her?" Phil asks, wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand cupping my hip

I see Louise eye Phil's hand suspiciously, and I know we still aren't in the clear. Chris and PJ are all smiles as soon as Phil mentions Rosalie, and they're nodding their heads expectantly. I laugh at their eagerness to meet the baby, looking at Louise, who nods with them.

"I'll go get her," I say, feeling Phil's hand leave my waist as I back out of the room, going up the stairs and to my right, where Rosalie's room is located. 

I twist the doorknob, immediately hearing the music from Rosalie's mobile playing, and her breathing. I close the door quietly, in case she's napping, but I find her staring at the mobile in wonder, her eyes wide. Her eyes flicker towards me, and she lights up as she gurgles, kicking her legs.

"Hi baby!" I coo, "We've got some people for you to meet, and they're so excited to see you!" 

I reach down into her crib, my hands cradling her from underneath as I lift her up, laying her against my chest. I changed her diaper quickly to avoid any accidents, before changing her into a Winnie the Pooh onesie Phil's mum recently bought her, before declaring she was ready to meet everyone. 

After shutting the door behind me, I shift Rosalie in my arms, so our friends can see her pretty face easier. I talk quietly to her as I make my way into the living room, hearing the collective coos as soon as we're in the room. 

"Oh Dan," Louise blubbers, her eyes filling once again with tears

"This is Rosalie Michelle, everyone," I state, "Say hi baby," I whisper to her, grabbing her little hand and softly waving it at our friends 

Louise is the first to come see her up close, covering her face in astonishment, "You weren't lying. That's literally you two," Louise says, looking up at me, "She's so beautiful, Dan," 

I beam at the compliment, my eyes finding Phil's, who's staring just as proudly at us, "Dan did all the hard work, he deserves all the credit in making her so cute," 

I roll my eyes, shifting to face Chris and PJ, who are cautiously standing away, looking from afar, "You guys can come closer, you know. She doesn't bite, she has no teeth," I joke 

Pj laughs at my remark, "I don't want to hover over her. Don't want to freak her out,"

"You won't, trust me. She loves people," Phil replies

I take matters into my own hands, walking straight towards them. I stop in front of them both, their eyes immediately downcasting towards Rosalie. She stares at them with wonder, her fist in her mouth. Chris is the first to break, wet tears falling down his face. Chris looks at me, a look of proudness in his eyes.

"God Dan, you are so amazing. You literally went and made a little human. Oh my god," Chris mutters, at a loss of words

Pj is still quiet, but as soon as he reaches out to Rosalie, and she latches onto his slender finger with a tiny grip, his green orbs are overrun with tears. Rosalie senses his sadness, and grips his fingers tighter, almost bringing him towards her, as if she could really do any comfort for him. Chris rubs PJ's back as he lets the tears fall, laughing at himself. 

"So much crying today Jesus," Louise jokes, black tear marks from her mascara down her face. 

"I'm just in shock," Pj says finally, "Like, this is unbelievable." 

a beautiful accident (a dan howell/phil lester story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora