seven - deer in headlights

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 Dan wakes up alone, naked. 

Dan sits up slowly, feeling the pain in his backside shoot up his spinal cord. He looks around the room, seeing Phil's clothes still on the floor, but no sign of Phil. He gets up, throwing on his white robe and going to check on Rosalie.

She's sleeping soundly, swaddled up in her blanket. He smiles at her, picking her up, as it was time for her breakfast. Dan walks into the kitchen, where he sees Phil cooking them breakfast, wearing his Cookie Monster pajama pants. Phil looks back to see Dan and Rosie enter the room, Dan leaving a kiss on his cheek. 

"Morning lovelies," Phil says after pecking Rosalie's cheek, watching as Dan gets out a bottle and places it in the microwave, "I've got pancakes going," 

"Sounds great," Dan smiles, laying Rosalie in her baby carrier, which sits on the kitchen table. Dan makes his way back to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of milk that he pumped earlier in the week, popping it into the microwave to warm it just enough for her stomach to handle. 

After the microwave beeps, Dan tests the milk on his wrist, claiming it was good enough for her and sat down at the table. He's about to start feeding Rosalie when Phil takes the bottle from his hands, picking up Rosalie and sitting across from him.

"Eat, I've got her." Phil says, nodding his head at the plate of pancakes in front of Dan

"I can feed her and eat after, it's fine, Phil." Dan says

"No," Phil says, and Dan doesn't press anymore. 

Phil feeds Rosalie, and Dan eats, but falls deep in thought.

They actually had sex. 

But what does this mean for them? Dan knew Phil was still hurt for Dan leaving, and Dan doesn't blame him. But what happened to waiting? If Phil truly didn't want Dan back, he wouldn't have slept with him. Dan loves Phil with everything in him, and doesn't regret last night, but what if Phil does? 

"What are you thinking about, Dan?" Phil asks, catching Dan's confused gaze 

"Do you regret last night?" Dan blurts 

Phil's eyes widen, and he stares at Dan in shock, "Why on Earth would I regret last night?" Phil asks, and he sounds so confused Dan could cry 

"You said you wanted to wait, because I know you're still angry about me leaving, and-and I just don't want you to come back because I want you too." Dan says, eyes wet 

"Oh Dan, that's not it at all. I love you, I always will. I've gotten over you leaving, because you had a reason too. I'm apart of her life now, and I know for a fact I don't plan to leave. She's already attached to me," Phil says, his eyes landing fondly on Rosalie's face as she eats 

Dan smiles at the two, "I love you too," 

"So what do you want to do, Dan?" Phil asks 

"I want you to be with me again." Dan admits

"Then that's what's going to happen." 


"Dan, what cereal do you want?" Phil asks, as Dan plays with Rosalie's hands in the middle of the cereal aisle

"Get two boxes of Shreddies and then some Frosted Flakes," Dan responds, cooing down at the baby

Phil does what Dan says, grabbing the three boxes and placing them in the cart. Phil smiles at Dan and Rosalie, "You two melt my heart,"

Dan blushes, and Rosalie squeals in delight, "Let's go to the baby section, she needs some more onesies," Dan announces

As the two make their way towards the children's area, Phil can hear female cries behind him. Dan is too busy staring at their daughter to realize there's a group of girls following them, with their phones out, most likely on the camera. 

"Dan, go," Phil says quietly, not wanting to alarm Dan

"What are you talking about?" Dan asks confusedly, looking over at Phil, seeing the look of panic on his features, "Babe? What's wrong?" 

"Fans are behind us, with cameras," Phil responds, trying to stay calm, as he feels the unbearable urge to protect his family. 

Dan pales, his stomach lurching. He looks behind him slowly, spotting the teenage girls, who scream when Dan looks, "Oh my god it really is him!" 

"Fuck," Dan gulps 

"They have a baby!" One says 

Dan uses his body to shield Rosalie from the camera flashes, and Phil feels the anger seep through him as he sees Dan's fearful eyes, scared for his daughter. Phil steps in front of Dan and Rosalie, glaring at the girls. 

"Stop taking pictures of them. I'll gladly take photos with you, but leave my family alone," Phil says, his voice stern and cold, nothing like his normal persona

"Family? So the baby's yours? But Dan left!" One exclaims

"The baby obviously came from an infidelity, Carmen. I just can't believe Dan would do such a thing," The second one says, glaring at Dan 

Dan is crying now, his shoulders shaking with guilt. He knew the fans were angry with him, but he didn't think they'd assume he would ever cheat. Not on Phil. Dan could never hurt Phil like that, he's never wanted someone else for the last ten years. Rosalie is staring at Dan, sensing his sadness. She latches onto his finger, which was resting on her stomach. 

"There was no cheating, and that baby is mine." Phil says, trying to not let his anger get the best of him. 

"Can't be yours and his, not possible," Carmen states, and Dan almost laughs at her ignorance. 

"She is ours, and that's all you need to know for now. I changed my mind on those pictures, please just leave us alone." Phil said, his voice tired 

Dan sniffles, standing up straight, turning to face the girls, grabbing a hold of Phil's arm, Phil visibly relaxing at the touch. Phil looks back at Dan's teary face, nodding at him. Dan looks at the girls, who wear a look of disgust. 

"You can think what you want of me, but don't you dare come after our baby. She did nothing to anyone in this world, so leave her out of this. I never cheated on Phil, and I never would. What happened between us is our business, not yours." Dan says, his voice cool, even though he feels like he could explode. 

Dan then turns, and walks away, leaving Phil to feel so proud of Dan. The girls blink at Phil, before sighing and walking away. Phil follows Dan to the children's section, seeing him crying as he holds onto a onesie. 

Phil opens his arms, and Dan easily falls into them, sobbing, "I am so proud of you, Dan," 


#phanbaby is soon trending on Twitter, and Phil scrolls through some of the tweets, feeling his stomach start to fill with dread. Some were hateful, some were hopeful, and most were just confused. 

"@phanasor: so dan leaves, and suddenly comes back with a baby? is this a mpreg fic come true?" 

"@danspetal: im just mad we got no pictures of the #phanbaby. we can actually be able to tell if that's their baby by looking at it. angry." 

So, after permission from Dan, Phil opens his twitter, and uploads of a photo of their daughter, captioning it: 

"@amazingphil: Rosalie Michelle. Launched in 2018." 

And you bet your ass the internet exploded. 

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