Start of something new

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Authors Note: Well first I do not own Pretty Little Liars or anything related to PLL. I wish I did but oh well. Okay so I think we all felt bad for Hanna at the end of that last episode. I know I did. So that being said this is what my crazy brain came up with at three in the morning. First story so if it sucks, tell me. I can take it. *braces for impact* Here we go.

Emily had just changed into shorts and a t-shirt and was getting ready to crawl into bed when her phone started vibrating. She picked it up and saw Hanna's name flashing across the screen. Sighing Emily answered hoping she wasn't going to have to listen to a drunken rant about a guy eating his own beard or ducks snowboarding. "Hello?" She said pulling the covers down on her bed.

"Em..." Hanna said on the other end.

One word. One syllable and Emily knew something was off.

"Hanna? What's wrong?" She heard Hanna take a shaky breath on the other end, then she heard sniffles. "Hanna." Emily said again, louder this time and even more concerned.

There was another sniffle before Hanna spoke. "I...I need you." Hanna replied her voice cracking. Emily had never heard her sound so broken. "I... I know I've been a mess and I know all I do is screw up bu-"

"Where are you?" Emily interrupted already sliding her jeans back on over her shorts and grabbing her keys. She slid on her jacket and quietly but quickly snuck down the stairs.

Hanna sniffled again before answering. "Th..the park."

Emily was out the door and in her car in record time. "Hanna stay there okay? I'm coming. Don't move."

"I have nowhere to go." Hanna replied weakly.

Emily's heart broke at her words. She shoved the key into the ignition starting the car and stomped the gas. "I'm coming, Han." She heard a click and looked at the screen to see that Hanna had hung up. Emily carelessly tossed her phone into the passenger seat before increasing her speed praying that no cops were around.

A few minutes later she saw the sign for the park and whipped her car into a parking space. She grabbed her phone and got out quickly scanning the park for Hanna. She spotted her immediately. Not that she was hard to find. The park was empty other than the two of them. Hanna was sitting on one of the benches with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. As Emily got closer she noticed that Hanna was soaking wet and had a half empty bottle clutched in her right hand. Hanna had her head resting against her knees so she didn't notice Emily's presence yet. Not until Emily had knelt down in front of her and put a hand on her forearm.

"Hanna?" Emily said causing the blonde to raise her head. Hanna said nothing so Emily just stared at her tear streaked face waiting. When Hanna still didn't speak Emily glanced at the bottle and sighed. She put a hand over Hanna's and gently pulled her fingers away. "Hanna...Hanna let go." She whispered.

Hanna blinked at her before glancing to the bottle and releasing her death grip. Emily poured what was left of the alcohol on the ground before tossing the bottle aside not giving a damn about littering laws at the moment. She looked back at Hanna and noticed that Hanna wasn't even looking at her. She was just staring out into the night like she was waiting for it to swallow her whole.

"Hanna?" Emily asked. Nothing. "Hanna!" Emily said putting her hands on Hanna's cheeks and getting her to look at her. "Tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me." Emily said more concerned than ever.

Hanna looked at Emily before her eyes started to fill with tears. "I'm scaring myself." She replied shakily. Emily wiped away the tears that fell down Hanna's cheeks. "i don't even know who I am anymore." Hanna whispered looking down at her knees. She swallowed hard before looking back up at Emily. "I mean is she right? Am I always the problem?"

Hannily: Its all very confusingWhere stories live. Discover now