Chapter 8

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Hanna was aware of two things as she started to wake up. One was that something was tickling her face and two was that that something smelled like a mix of strawberries and roses. She blinked her eyes open and smiled remembering where she was and exactly whose hair was tickling her face. Sighing lightly she brushed a strand of Emily's hair back and kissed her on the forehead.


Hanna jerked her head up at the sound of Spencers voice causing her neck to pop painfully. "Ow, damn it Spence." She complained rubbing her neck.

Spencer winced in sympathy before getting up from her seat on the stool in the kitchen and making her way into the living room. "Sorry. Maybe you should use pillow like a normal person instead of Emily's head." Spencer whispered sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Not like I planned it." Hanna replied still rubbing her sore neck.

Spencer held out a cup. "Coffee?" Hanna gave her a worried look and Spencer rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Aria made it. I promise it won't have you doing back-flips or anything."

Hanna smiled and carefully leaned forward doing her best not to wake Emily as she took the cup. "Thanks." She took a sip then looked around. "Where is Aria?"

Spencer jerked her head toward the door. "Went to get breakfast. There's no food here unless you want frozen peas for breakfast."

Hanna made a disgusted face. "Ugh, pass." Emily mumbled something in her sleep before throwing an arm around Hanna's waist and burrowing even further into her side. Hanna smiled running her fingers lightly through Emily's hair. She looked up to see Spencer grinning like a proud parent and rolled her eyes. "God stop that."

Spencer laughed quietly and held up her hands. "What, I can't be happy for you?"

Hanna sighed. "You can, when there's a reason for you to be happy for me. We're not like, together, now Spencer. Alison just broke her heart into a million pieces less than 9 hours ago. It's not like she came running in here crying hysterically to tell me she wanted to be with me. She's hurt Spence. Really, really hurt. The last thing she needs right now is me trying to put the moves on her." Hanna looked down at the sleeping girl before looking back up at Spencer. Who was still grinning like a proud parent. "Oh my God, what?!" Hanna whisper yelled.

Spencer leaned forward with a smirk. "The fact that you realize that is just another reason that you are a million times better for her than Alison will ever be." Hanna just blinked at her in shock and Spencer turned her smirk into a serious look. "Alison would of jumped at the chance to be with her,not caring how heart-broken Emily was, if the situation was reversed. She would of used Emily's vulnerability and you screwing up to her advantage. That's the difference between you and her." Spencer smiled. "And that's why I know it's going to be you. That's why I am pre-relationship happy for you so deal with it."

Hanna smiled shaking her head. "If you say so."

Spencer grinned cockily. "Oh I do, and you should know by now I'm always right."

Hanna said nothing but gave Spencer a 'are you serious' look. Spencer narrowed her eyes at her. "Oh shut up." They both laughed and seconds later Aria came barreling in the door, hands full of bags which she was barely holding onto.

"Help, small person in distress!" She yelled half her body hidden behind the food bags.

Emily stirred awake at the commotion as Spencer got up from the couch laughing and went to go help Aria. Emily looked up to see Hanna smiling at her. "Hey there." Hanna said running her fingers through Emily's hair again. It was quickly becoming her new addiction.

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