Chapter 3

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Hanna was sitting in class tapping her pencil and very impatiently watching the clock. She sighed seeing there was thirty minutes left until lunch. She desperately wanted to see Emily again. It was ridiculous really how impatient she was being. It's not like she didn't see Emily pretty much everyday. She had just seen her less than two hours ago yet here she was, counting the minutes and thinking that if she stares hard enough time will somehow move faster. Hanna rolled her eyes at herself and stopped her tapping. This new development in their relationship had her acting like some elementary school girl with her first crush. Get a grip, Han. She said to herself embarrassed at how desperate she seemed. She heard a 'Bzzzz' at her feet and looked down to see her phone lit up in her purse. Checking to make sure the teacher wasn't looking she quickly grabber her phone and held it under the desk. Seeing Emily's name on the screen she smiled and opened the text.

E: Please tell me I'm not the only one sitting here counting the minute.

Hanna's smile grew wider as she read the words. She was typing back a reply when she heard a throat clear. She looked up to see her teacher, Mrs. Williams, staring at her arms crossed.

"Miss Marin, is that a phone I see or do you always look down at your crotch and smile?" Mrs. Williams asked raising an eyebrow.

The class laughed and Hanna opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. Mrs. Williams rolled her eyes. "Put it away Hanna."

"Yes ma'am." Hanna said with an embarrassed smile. When Mrs. Williams turned back to the board Hanna quickly finished her text then hit send and dropped her phone back into her purse. Mrs. Williams turned back around and Hanna rested her chin in her hand smiling innocently.

On the other side of the school Emily's phone buzzed in her hand and she quickly opened the text.

H: Only 23 more to go ;)

She bit her lip trying to keep the dumb grin off her face then slid her phone back into her pocket.

After the longest 23 minutes ever the bell finally rang and Emily grabbed her bag quickly and raced to the door. She made her way through the sea of students heading toward where she knew Hanna would be coming from. She looked down the hall but saw no sign of the blonde. Thinking Hanna probably just went straight to the cafeteria she turned to heading that direction when she felt a pull on her wrist and she was jerked into the girls bathroom. Emily was panicked until she saw that it was Hanna who had pulled her in. "Jesus Hanna, you scared me."

"Sorry." Hanna mumbled setting her purse on the sink and ducking to look under every stall door.

"What are you doing, what's wrong?" Emily asked concerned.

Seeing the coast was clear Hanna straightened up and walked back towards Emily. "Nothing." She replied before grabbing Emily's face in both hands and crashing their lips together. Emily's eyes widened in surprise at first but after a minute she dropped her books and grabbed onto Hanna's hips, her bag sliding off her shoulder to the ground. They kissed for several minutes, Emily pushing Hanna back into the sink and Hanna tangling her hands in Emily's hair. Finally they separated breathing heavily.

Hanna closed her eyes and sighed. "This sucks."

Emily's jaw dropped. "Well you took me by surprise usually my lips are way looser." She said sounding a little hurt.

Hanna laughed. "What? No! Em, I didn't mean you. I meant this." She said waving her hand around at the bathroom. "This situation sucks."

"Oh." Emily said ducking her head and blushing.

Hanna laughed again and ran a hand through Emily's hair. "Trust me, nothing about kissing you sucks."

Emily smiled at her. "Well you do pretty well yourself."

Hannily: Its all very confusingWhere stories live. Discover now