Chapter 5

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Hanna stirred awake at the feeling of something moving through her hair. She slowly blinked her eyes open and glanced up to see Emily smiling at her.

"Hey there sleepy head." Emily said continuing to run her hand through Hanna's hair.

Hanna raised her head from Emily's shoulder and smiled sleepily. "Hey." She replied her voice raspy from sleep. "What time is it?" She asked yawning.

Emily glanced at her phone. "Almost 11."

Hanna's eyes widened. "EM! Why didn't you wake me. We're late for school." She was about to throw the covers off and get up when Emily's hand on her arm stopped her.

Emily pulled her back down. "That's cause we're not going."

Hanna looked at her confused. "We're not?"

Emily shook her head. "Nope."

"Well, not that I'm complaining, but why not? You never ditch." Hanna asked leaning on one elbow.

Emily shrugged. "It's been a rough couple of days. For you especially. I think you need a day off. Plus I know how much you don't want to see Alison right now."

Hanna nodded. "Well I can't deny that." She said with a sigh before looking at Emily panicked. "What did you tell my mom? What did you tell your mom?"

Emily laughed lightly. "Relax. My mom left this morning for one of her spa day things. She won't be back until around four. And as for your mom; well she thinks Spencer picked us up and drove us to school."

"What happens if the school calls?"

Emily smirked. "Spencer also happens to be very good at impersonating mothers." She held her hand up to her ear like a phone. "Yes, this is Ms. Marin, I'm afraid Hanna won't be coming in today. She's very sick an-"

Before she could finish Hanna started laughing. "Okay, okay I got it." Emily smiled at her and Hanna sighed and looked around the room. "So, what are we going to do all day?"

"Whatever you want." Emily replied.

"Can we just hang out here?" Hanna asked not feeling like going out or being around people. If she was being honest with herself she just wanted to spend the whole day with Emily. Alone.

Emily nodded. "Sure. We can just watch movies or something." Emily slid out of bed and stretched then ran a hand through her hair. She looked over to see Hanna staring at her grinning. "What?" She asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

Hanna shook her head. " just amazes me how beautiful you can be without even trying."

Emily blushed. "Hanna I just woke up."

Hanna threw up her hands. "Exactly! You just woke up and you still look like some kind of Greek Goddess."

Emily laughed and rolled her eyes. "I highly doubt that but thank you for the compliment." Emily looked at Hanna and smiled. "You are too you know?"

"What?" Hanna asked stretching.


They smiled at each other before Emily spoke again. "Okay, you get up and shower while I make some breakfast." She said heading to the door.

Hanna stood up quickly and blocked her path. "Ah ah ah. I'll make breakfast while you shower."


Hanna held up a hand. "Nope! You made it last time. It's my turn."

Emily gave her a nervous look. "Yeah but Han, you're not the most...experienced at cooking."

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