Chapter 6

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Hanna and Emily were able to get themselves and the kitchen clean minutes before Pam had gotten home. Hanna's mom had called right after asking Hanna to come home. Emily had immediately offered to give her a ride, so here they were with Hanna silently staring thoughtfully out the window and Emily casting worried glances her way out of the corner of her eye. When they hit a stop sign Emily turned to face Hanna.


"Mmmm?" Hanna mumbled not taking her eyes away from the window.

"You okay?" Emily asked.

Hanna sighed and looked at Emily. "Yeah. I just... really don't want to be under the same roof as Ali right now."

Emily nodded. "I know." She looked down and bit her lip hesitating. "If you want I can take Alison back to my house." Emily caught Hanna's hurt expression before the girl was able to hide it. "Just to give you two some space. Not for...anything else." She added.

Hanna looked out the window again and lightly shook her head. She definitely didn't want to see Alison but she sure as hell didn't want her at Emily's either. She thought about texting Aria or Spencer but Aria was busy helping her mom with the Zach thing and Spencer was dealing with her parents divorcing. She knew neither one of them would want Alison at their house on top of all that. Unfortunately Emily's house seemed to be the only option. Sighing she turned back to Emily.


Emily gave her a doubtful look. "Are you sure?"

No. Hanna's mind answered but on the outside she nodded. "Yeah."

Emily pulled out her phone and texted Alison saying she was going to pick her up when she dropped Hanna off. A car behind them honked and Emily looked in the rear view mirror before setting her phone in her lap and stepping on the gas. Hanna was quiet the whole way over.

Emily pulled up in front of Hanna's house and put the car in park. Hanna glanced over at her with a small smile. "Thanks for the ride Em. And thanks again for today."

Emily rolled her eyes. "I told you you don't have to thank me. I did it for myself too. I wanted some alone time with you."

Hanna smiled a real smile this time. "I know." They heard the front door open and Hanna glanced out the window to see Alison heading out. She felt Emily grab her hand and turned to look at her.

"Call me if you need anything okay?" Emily said knowing Hanna wasn't the least bit okay with this situation.

Hanna nodded. "I will." Emily gave her a smile and squeezed her hand. Hanna returned the squeeze before sighing and getting out of the car.

Alison stopped seeing Hanna get out of the car. Hanna just glared at her before blowing past her and heading into the house. Ali sighed and continued toward Emily's car. She got in the passenger seat and smiled at Emily. "Hey. Thanks for getting me out of there."

Emily didn't even look at her. "I didn't do it for you. I did it so Hanna wouldn't have to be around you not so you wouldn't have to be around her." She replied pulling away from Hanna's house.

Alison gave Emily a hurt look before leaning against the window. She shook her head then looked back at Emily. "After all this you guys still don't trust me."

Emily slammed on the breaks and Alison looked back wide eyed as the car behind them squealed tires almost rear ending them. The driver swerved around them just in time and Alison looked at Emily. "What the hell?!" She yelled.

Emily completely ignored the fact that they were almost hit. "Don't trust you!" She said in disbelief glaring at Ali. "What about you trusting us? Maybe if you'd tell someone your plans we wou-"

Hannily: Its all very confusingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin