New Girl

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Millie Brown, the most popular girl at school. The prettiest girl. 

Baylee Barnes, the new girl at school. The new and mysterious girl.

Millie a 5'3 brunette with short brown hair.

Baylee a 5'8 blonde with short blonde hair.

Millie with perfect vision.

Baylee with glasses to boost her vision.

It was Baylee's first day and she already managed to get into a fight. Millie and her gang of girls walked past, one elbowing Baylee. Baylee wanted to shove her but refrained. 

As they walk by a boy stands behind them and begins taking photos... of there butts. Baylee slapped the phone out of his hand.

"Hey!" He screamed causing everyone to look.

"Why don't you take a picture of something else." Baylee said.

"Like what?" The boy says and shoves her back only making her step back.

"Well most boys  your age would be taking a photo of their dick but by the looks of you yours is too small." Baylee says. The boy goes to tackle her but runs into her standing. She doesn't even budge and to him he feels as if he's run into a rock wall.

"Are you done?" Baylee says. He gets up from trying.

"Um excuse me what's going on here?" a teacher comes over.

"This kid was taking photos of girls as the walked by." Baylee said. The boy shoots her a glare.

"Girls, or their...?" the teacher asks.

"Yeah." Baylee says.

Some boys laugh at the boy getting busted, others that he couldn't tackle a girl, and some were enraged. Suddenly Millie comes over and as if she knew what she was thinking and about to ask Baylee hands Millie the boys phone which is open to camera than crosses her arms watching Millie. Millie goes to photos and turns red. 

"Hand that over Ms. Brown." The teacher says. Millie hands it to her and crossed her arms and looks at Baylee to see her quickly avert her gaze off of Millie. 

"You three, in my office now." The teacher says.

"Um ma'am...She didn't do anything." Baylee says and tilts her head at Millie than away.

"Office. Now." she says. Baylee sighs and heads to the office with Millie and the boy. Millie walks in the middle.

"I can't believe you two have gotten me in trouble!" she growls.

"Last I checked I defended you." Baylee said. Millie sighs. 

"Hey come on." The boy says and tightly grabs Millie's ass. Millie squirms away and as if something snapped, Baylee slams the boy against the wall.

"Hey! You don't touch a girl like that dumbass! Are you really that stupid?" Baylee yells than lets him go as Millie watches in shock. Baylee shoves him into the wall than storms ahead of the toward the office. Millie trots to catch up to her.

"What do you want?" Baylee growls. Millie doesn't know why but she feels petrified of the girl.

"Um- I- I want to say thank you." Millie said.

"And I was wondering if I could repay you...?" Millie asked.

"Sure how about don't talk to me." Baylee snaps and storms ahead. Millie doesn't know why but that deeply hurt her. 

I don't know her, why do I care so much? Millie thinks.

"Hey I didn't do anything!" Millie defends.

Baylee ignores her and keeps walking angrily. Baylee walks into the office to see the principal and her father. Her father angrily glaring.

"Dad?!" Baylee says. 

"Baylee." He says.

"Thank God. You have to take me out of this school." Baylee said.

"What?! Why!?!" Millie says than contains her self.

"That's a good question why?" her father says.

"I'd rather be homeschooled and the kids here suck." Baylee said.

"You can't be homeschooled again." her dad says.

"Why?" Baylee snaps.

"You know why!" he yells.

"No dad! I don't!" Baylee yells back.

"Because! Your mother isn't around to homeschool you anymore!" he yells. 

Millie sees Baylee's jaw clench.

"I can homeschool myself." Baylee says than storms out of the office and down the hall grumbling obscenities  the whole way. Millie quickly follows and sees Baylee go into the girls bathroom.

Millie goes in.

"Baylee right? That's what your dad called you." Millie says.

"What the hell do you want?" Baylee growls.

"Come on, you have only been in school one day, it can't be that bad." Millie says.

"Go away." Baylee says.

"No. Why do you hate me so much?" Millie says.

"Your pushing buttons I'm warning you to get out of this bathroom." Baylee threats.

"No, why can't you stand me? I haven't done anything. Quit acting all quiet and trying to be lonely. Obviously you have something for me... you've been defending me all day." Millie says. Baylee rips the bathroom stall door off and throws it into the stone bathroom wall.

"Shut up okay?! You don't know me! You don't know the first thing about me! God damn it I'm trying to keep you safe! Stay away from me!" Baylee yelled in anger. Millie stands quivering.

"I-I- How did you just...?" Millie is shaking at this point.

"Just go okay... you wouldn't understand..." Baylee says and sits on the bathroom floor.

Millie comes over and sits next to her.

"Please... I want to be your friend..." Millie says.

"Persistent aren't you." Baylee mumbles staring at the ceiling. 

"You... your like the people on tv... on the news... aren't you?" Millie asks.

"Inhuman?" Baylee asks and looks at her.

"Yeah." Millie said.

"No." Baylee says.

"Than explain me that." Millie says and points at the destroyed door on the floor. 

"You wouldn't believe me." Baylee says. 

"After seeing you do that, I think I would." Millie says and raises her brows.

"A werewolf?" Baylee says.

"Is there a way for you to prove it?" Millie asks. Baylee stands up and faces her as Millie gets up.

"Back up." Baylee says. Millie does. 

Baylee does a backflip and when she lands, she's got four legs and grey fur covering her body. Millie stares as a gigantic wolf stands in front of her.

"W-whoa..." Millie stutters.

Baylee, as a wolf, picks up her clothing and tosses it into the big stall and goes in. When she comes out, she's human and dressed. 

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