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*EDIT 10/04/18* Chapter beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net, thanks for your alterations/corrections and for putting up with my numerous questions!


Marko was in Hell. That was the only thing that made sense. He had been sleeping peacefully when a coward found and staked him. There was a blur of pain and screams and recalling it hurt his head.

Or maybe that was the light because it was a very bright Hell and one that had a surprising number of babies. Why was he surrounded by these drooling smelly creatures?

It made absolutely no sense...

He had to get away from here, so he tried to move only to fall over. His hands caught his fall. At least he thought they were his, but they were way too small. Were his hands always that small? Pushing away the unease he felt, he tried to stand only it didn't work; as if he had issues with his motor control.

That meant he had to crawl. He was forced to crawl like a frickin' baby!

A baby...

At that thought he stopped crawling and looked at the closest baby who was watching him curiously and realized something incredibly frightening. He was the same size as it. He was an infant...

He screamed.

Which resulted in the baby watching him crying and screaming as well, setting off a chain reaction in Marko's own personal Hell.

Damn, was he crying too? He absolutely had to wake up from this nightmare.

A few women came running and started trying to calm the room. One even picked him up. He did his best to hit her but it was weak and did no damage at all. He wanted to scream at her to put him down, but mostly he wanted to wake up and laugh about his nightmare of being a baby with the guys.

Paul would get a kick out of it and make fun of him calling him the baby of the group despite Paul actually being the youngest vampire in their pack.

It didn't happen, though, instead the woman kept trying to shush him until eventually his little body couldn't take it anymore and he passed out from the exhaustion.

When he awoke later he found himself somewhere else. He sat up with a bit of difficulty on the cushy surface and saw the bars surrounding him. He was in a crib.

Marko was in a crib.

Once more he cried and he hated it. Why couldn't he stop bawling? He wasn't really a baby dammit!

Once again, another cry joined his own, though, this time it was only one. He turned to see another infant laying right beside him and he tried moving away but his crying took all of his strength and he still couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, he was picked up again! So, he lashed out only to receive the same poor results as earlier. Instead of trying again, he settled for glaring through his tears as best as he could. He didn't imagine it made for a very intimidating look but it was all he had at the moment.

"What's wrong Marko do you need a diaper change?" The woman baby talked him while rocking him in a soothing motion that was calming, which irritated him. But it was working. Why was it, though? He wasn't an actual baby!

The woman smelt him and felt his diaper to his mortification.

"Hmm. Nope that's not it. Did you have a nightmare?"

I still am, he thought.

Through teary eyes he couldn't help but stare at the woman; she looked vaguely familiar.

Marko Reborn (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now