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Chapter beta'd by exaigon on FF.Net


Marko wasn't ready. Sure, he'd had years to prepare himself for this night but now that it was finally here it seemed as if it had arrived way too suddenly.

Hearing Michael apologize from behind him as he moved himself out from behind his shorter twin made Marko realize that, ready or not, he needed to say something and not just stand there dumbly staring up at the other blond.

"Yeah, my brother is sorry for making me run into you." His tone was cheeky and calm as he placed the blame elsewhere but he didn't actually feel that way. He hoped silently that his heart rate didn't give him away. Perhaps it could be passed off as the heartbeat of someone who had just been running, though, it was probably evident from Michael's own slower pulse that that was not the case.

Marko didn't need to see the stink eye Michael was throwing his way to know that it was there; he could practically sense it. Maybe it was a twin thing, or maybe Mikey was just that predictable.

"Your brother?" David's eyes flickered back and forth between the two of them, "You don't look much like brothers."

True. The only real noticeable similarity between them was their curly hair. It wasn't questioned though as his coloring seemed to have come from Lucy's side as did Sammy's. Only Michael got his from their mother's sperm donor. Marko thought that was a fitting title for the man Mike still called their father.

"Yeah well, I think he might be adopted, how else could I have such an ugly sibling?" Marko joked.

Paul burst out laughing while holding onto his sides like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. It briefly made the human wonder if the other was high because, while it wasn't hard to make the vampire laugh, this was a bit much.

"You're hilarious," Michael deadpanned obviously unhappy.

"He thinks so." He thumbed towards the still hysterical vampire.

David smirked, "Don't mind him. He has a few screws loose."

At least that hadn't changed then. Still, this situation wasn't ideal and to avoid being on the menu tonight he had better get them out of here.

"Yeah, well, it was nice bumping into you guys but we should get going," Marko told them as he motioned for Michael to follow him away from the jaws of death.

"What's the hurry?" David asked with a tilt of his head.


David was paying them too much attention; that was never a good sign.

Marko was sure that the vampire could tell that he was uneasy around him.

That was just his luck. Sure, he'd wanted to catch their attention but doing so without a plan could end up bloody, and not in a good way. Why did David have to be so good at reading people? If the other had been human then surely Marko's act would be solid, however, he was not.

"Mikey here's got a bedtime. Sad I know, but it is what it is." His twin shoved his shoulder and gave him a 'what the hell' look but he didn't pay it or him any mind. Instead he just backed away with a friendly wave at the group. Even in a crowd he wasn't turning his back on them. Michael was grumbling that he did not have a bedtime but he still trailed after him while making his grievances known.

As they walked away, he could hear Paul's laughter grow along with the phrase bedtime being said. It was a good thing he didn't need to breathe because his otherwise he might have laughed himself to death.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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